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Dr. Sex 7 mag 2022, ore 10:54 
Oh, you think you're good at Dark Souls? Have you ever even tried a NG+99, soul level 1, no armor, no weapons, no magic, no damage taken, no NPC's spoken to, inverted controls on an electric drum kit, no rolling, no back step, no sprinting, no lock on, no consumables, no audio, no parry, lowest possible resolution, lowest possible brightness, all boss and enemies killed, while drunk, hanging from the ceiling the entire time, all bonfires lit, walking everywhere backwards, sub-30 minutes speedrun? Yeah, I thought not. Go back to your LoL matches you brainless bump on a log.
Dr. Sex 7 mag 2022, ore 10:53 

Mr. Putinić, you have made a BIG Mistake!!!
The Montenegrin flag will soon wave over Moscow. Russia shall be liberated by the bright May dawn. E viva Montenegro!!!

Gospodine Putiniću, napravio si VELIKU grešku!
Crnogorska zastava će uskoro vijuriti nad Moskvom. Rusija će biti oslobođena svijetlom majskom zorom. E viva Montenegro!!!
sonofnabe 26 feb 2022, ore 0:18 
⡠⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢷⣄⣀⡴⣤⣀⠴⠁⠀⠀⡇ aheheh
Dr. Sex 10 feb 2019, ore 11:13 
hehehehehe, I'm peter griffin, hehehehehehe