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Recente recensies door C Wheezy

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0.5 uur in totaal (0.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
this was hella cute, i kinda hoped for it to be longer then 20 minutes
like say at least 3 christmases worth but even still i liked it.
who else can say the slept with a loli santa
*puts on shades and holds up finger guns*
Geplaatst 11 juli 2018.
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1,621.2 uur in totaal (1,094.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
loved this game for years fun and ingaging to play but now that it hopped on the br wagon im a bit off put by it. now the new f2p kids run and jump with glocks and still somehow kills me from across the map.

Geplaatst 28 augustus 2017. Laatst gewijzigd 20 november 2019.
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31-32 van 32 items weergegeven