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Julkaistu: 3.9.2015 klo 20.11

An amazing, bittersweet end to an amazing series.

I got Epiphany as part of a Humble Bundle and was unfamiliar with the series so I went back to play the rest of the series first, and I’m so glad I did. Like all the Blackwell games, it has a pixelated art style and smooth repeating track for each location that is reminiscent of an old GameBoy game. The writing was intriguing, witty, and never dull.

Every Blackwell game does an amazing job of tying each game together. Epiphany is no different and answers all loose ends left from Legacy to Deception, even leaving small, satisfying "Easter Eggs" about previous games and events.
Some of the puzzles are a bit abstract, but the amount of items you sometimes resort to blindly using are not too vast, in that you can figure it out in time. Gameplay is also the longest out of all of the Blackwell series, most say around 9 hours for the first play through. I was more eager on hearing the story than figuring out the puzzles, which is reflected in my hours played.

The end is, as I said, bittersweet and leaves an unfulfilled hole in your heart, but doesn’t any story when you fall in love with the characters?

All in all, a fantastic point and click adventure game. Would highly recommend.
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