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Left 4 Dead 2

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Game Content
Game Modes
Se afișează 19-25 din 25 intrări
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Left 4 Japan
Colecția lui DarthAlvarez
A collection of items that relate to Japan.
German Collection
Colecția lui DarthAlvarez
Collection of items to make your game more German.
Left 4 Suppressed
Colecția lui DarthAlvarez
A collection of suppressed firearms. I tried to keep the weapons as close to the default weapons in the game as possible, whilst looking for suppressed versions of them.
Hunt 4 Showdown
Colecția lui DarthAlvarez
Also known as Red 4 Redemption. This collection aims to please, but shoots to kill by making it feel slightly more like the Wild West.
Meth 4 Dead
Colecția lui DarthAlvarez
You may have heard of a mod for Half-Life called *Crack-Life*. This is basically that, but with a bunch of cursed addons for your own personal Left 4 Dead experience.
Left 4 Vietnam
Colecția lui DarthAlvarez
A collection of addons to make Left 4 Dead feel a tad bit more like the Vietnam War. It's not a total conversion, so expect there to be things to break your immersion.
Payday Weapons and Sounds for L4D2
Colecția lui DarthAlvarez
L4D2 weapon addons that change some of the weapons into ones from Payday 1 and/or 2 , but also contains sounds from Payday 1 and/or 2.
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