Profesorbellisimo   Chillan, Bio-Bio, Chile
Snipin's a good job, mate! It's challengin' work, outta doors. I guarantee you'll not go hungry. 'Cause at the end of the day, long as there's two people left on the planet, someone is gonna want someone dead.

:flandre: ~heya~ :flandre:
Welcome Stranger! どうぞ~
oh! Welcome!, glad to see you arround, wonder why you are here.. maybe coincidence? or perhaps destiny? (or we just played a game together and wanted to check on me) .. well who knows right? :tei:
but anyways, thanks for checking or passing by!, and if you where wondering.. yes I do put some stuff about me.. you could just ignore it or read it.. thanks anyways and have a nice one! ^^

-I'm from Chile (wow.. that's a Surprise right?.. Right?!) tho I''m Chilean, my accent or when I speak in Spanish can be.. neutral and A little bit slow so maybe was a Surprise, since some people doesn't recognize me as a Chilean some times

-I'm 22 Years Old~ (I'm ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ old lol) and soon I'll be 23 (my Birthday it's the 15 of December, if you want to say hi that day or something I'll be happy whit it, since for me has become just another day, not a big deal~)

-I speak many languages... tho not all fluent, but the languages I know are: Spanish (Native language lol, also Know how to do some accents from other country's), English (I can have a conversation whit you and will mostly understand everything.. tho I still have to improve my Pronuntation and Knowgle of words), French (Oui!... tho I forgor about it since it's being years, they teach me on school.. so It's really basic and I don't want to insult the language speaking it, but I can understand.. most of the time and I could try if you don't mind), Japanese (I'm learning it! so I know how to pronounce some stuff, and can understand some stuff you are talking.. but yeah, I'm like a Newbie), and soon I'll try to learn Korean and German! :msfortune:

-Maybe you didn't notice before.. because well can't blame you (jk), but I'm a weeb, wich means I do watch anime, I do "read" Manga and Light Novels and yes, I do love Japan, actually I have big plans in a future to live in there, not only because I'm a weeb, but because I like Japan (yes I know if you are not ready or don't feel in, you mostly hate it, but, I have to taste it first) :reimu5:

~just a fun fact and curiosity... hehe... I do have some weeb/Otaku stuff.. what do I mean by that?.. well.. I do have a Dakimakura (BodyPillow, nothing lewd.. trust me).. some few posters in my walls.. and well.. yeah.. merchandise.. but I'm not into the deep part.. yet, I think lol (I haven't do cosplay yet lol), and also FUMOS! (they are not always for weebs.. but I wanted to add them here, where made by a good friend of mine, Cherr(ies), you should ask him, he's amazing)~

-so... mentioning weeb stuff, If you ask me who will be my top "waifus" or the best, tbh, there are plenty that got my attention, but I'll say top 3.. (I have more it's just this few got my attention so badly) 1) Flandre Scarlet (from touhou 6): man.. it's just perfect, it's just the best waifu out there, cute, strong (Haven't beat her yet lol),Chaotic, and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cute! I just love her desing
2)Misha Takanashi (From Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru!): Best Russian Loli out there!, Cute, Really Smart and a Neet! just perfect (yes, I know the show it's a little bit "weird" for some people, but boi, was funny af and also sad in some parts, was like a roller coaster, and I love it)
3)Omaru Polka(尾丸ポルカ) (From Hololive): I know.. I know.. Hololive it's not only for weebs but boi, Polka just.. It's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ perfect,Talented, chaotic, lovely,Funny (really rare in this days on 3D people) and.. just the best waifu, her songs are amazing, I haven't feel in love whit somebody this bad lol (my pfp it's a Fan Art of Her), and her Streams are just the best!

~I wanted to mention this really quick as curiosity, yes I do watch Hololive, but I think they are not just for weebs since some time, but all of them does amazing, I did a Tier List but I lost it so.. yeah, but If I'll have to choose the best 3 will be: Omaru Polka(尾丸ポルカ), Usada Pekora(兎田ぺこら) and Nakiri Ayame (百鬼あやめ), and least from Jp, but En will be Gura and Ina~

-so.. steam deleted some long stuff I put in here, SO! I'll continue tomorrow lmao :Baka:
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