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8 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2.5 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
I enjoyed the sequel more than the first game, largely due to the reduced difficulty. This allowed me to finally take some time to appreciate the scenery instead of constantly battling wave after wave of enemies.

No map is offered but most levels are designed like a self check-in hotel, even though the levels are average in size, once I find the right key it’s easy to figure out where to go next. Ammo can run low at times, but the default katana is always reliable and handy. Gems for new guns are hard to get and I can’t say I enjoyed the treasure hunts looking for them, especially when the gems are hidden in dark corners, particularly since most guns aren’t what I asked for. Besides, the variety of enemies is limited.

That said, the game still works well as a fast-paced FPS, and the developers are actively updating it. Also, You can also skip the first game and jump straight into this one without missing much.

Overall I recommend the game.

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Upplagd 30 augusti.
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4 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1.2 timmar totalt
Good news for any% speedrunners: I (accidentally) finished the game without using the frog and raccoon, total gameplay in less than an hour.

Overall, the gameplay is fun with cute animal characters. Start with a dog that can dash through solid walls, later on a wall-climbing cat and a double-jumping bird will join to explore new areas. The game doesn’t offer a difficulty selection, most enemies and environments are easy to handle, but some boss fights require patience.

One of the game’s strengths is the automatic animal switching feels seamless, like a single character transforming to perform different tricks. However, a downside is that hidden paths aren’t always clear, which can lead to a game over due to getting stuck in the wall. During my playthrough, I double-jumped onto a floating board that led to a new room with locked doors on each side in the beach area. Since I had all three keys, I unlocked the left door, which teleported me to a new area resembling a wash basin. After a few dashes, I found myself on a path with my animal friends standing side by side and a red ball floating in the air. Instinctively, I picked it up, and then I was thanked for playing the game as the credits rolled lol.

Even though I missed about a quarter of the game, the game is not disappointing, fun at a reasonable price.

I recommend this game.

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Upplagd 28 augusti. Senast ändrad 28 augusti.
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1.0 timmar totalt
This game attempts a bit of everything but only scratches the surface. The open-world landscape offers a variety of environments to explore, yet the paths are poorly developed, leaving me frequently stuck and wondering how to reach places. The crafting system is limited to creating just three types of arrows and two potions, not to mention arrows are to be unlocked through progress. Besides, the combat is basic, the story lacks depth, and the voice acting is completely amateur. Visually the game is standard, even running on the highest settings.

I can't recommend this game, even at a discounted price.

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Upplagd 25 augusti. Senast ändrad 25 augusti.
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4 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1.2 timmar totalt
Relaxing, short, but fun. The game is an entry-level point-and-click adventure, which could also be categorized as a hidden objects game. During my gameplay most of the time spent was finding objects, the objects combined and puzzles are basic, plus there's always a hint system ready to help.

In this game, Dracula's life is in danger, and you play as Champy—Dracula's grandkid—on a mission to save him. Despite the title, Champy isn’t useless but a smart fellow with good/fun ideas. The map is of a manageable size, and the objects you need to collect are well-placed, it is not hard to know where to go and what to do next. I enjoyed the funny photo of Dracula pushing the Leaning Tower of Pisa and looking at his broken shoes at the Great Wall. The cartoonish art style is cute, too.

A delightful one-hour experience, perfect for enjoying alone or with family and kids.

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Upplagd 25 augusti. Senast ändrad 25 augusti.
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3.8 timmar totalt
Nice walking sim. Having played the first game few years ago, SLUDGE LIFE 2 feels familiar. There’s no real story or specific goal in this game, except to explore the city, enjoy hilarious and ridiculous small talks, discover fun and weird sights, and spray graffiti. Smoking is a central theme in the game—everyone from children to cats, dogs, baby birds, and even crabs can smoke.

You’ll have access to various tools like double-jumper shoes and trampolines to help you reach difficulty areas. It took me around 3.5 hours to explore most of the content, including the polluted areas, but if you’re aiming for 100% achievements, it should take about 5 hours.

Overall, I recommend this game for its quirky and unique experience.

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Upplagd 25 augusti. Senast ändrad 25 augusti.
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5 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
0.4 timmar totalt
Definitely an unique game, it tells a simple story while providing detailed observation and description of body decomposition, you can even further acknowledge through explanations of terminology in the main menu. The game is free and takes about half an hour to complete.

Despite its short length, please be prepared because detailed depiction of decomposition can be unsettling.

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Upplagd 7 augusti.
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1.1 timmar totalt
When installing software, especially from sources other than the official website, it's not uncommon to end up with unwanted programs. These unwanted additions can bring annoying pop-ups, or in worse cases, they could harm or hack system. This game illustrates numerous dirty tricks used during installations, challenging players who think they can avoid unwanted additions, it's far more complex than just unchecking boxes.

The common tricks include using small font sizes or unrecognizable colors for options. However, this game takes it a step further by hiding them in unexpected places: before the first installation step, within the user agreement, and even under photos . One particular trick is click "x" reveals hidden options instead of quitting the installation . This game serves as an excellent educational tool, I'll definitely be more cautious and click everywhere during a risky installation in the future.

Additionally, uninstalling unwanted software can be equally challenging. From personal experience, I once installed a program that reappeared the next day, I'd like to see it in a DLC.

I recommend this game, it provides lessons on how to lower the chances of inadvertently installing unwanted software.

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Upplagd 6 augusti. Senast ändrad 6 augusti.
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27 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
39.1 timmar totalt
Impressed by Arkane Studios' Dishonored series, I purchased Prey at its release in 2017, didn't expect it would take me seven years to finally complete it. Did I enjoy it? About half the time. Is it worth playing? Absolutely.

Prey feels more like a survival crafting game than a typical FPS, despite the abundance of guns and enemy encounters. Scraping resources is essential for survival, as these can be recycled into ammo and medkits at specific machines. While Prey isn't a Souls-like game, it delivers a similar intensity. I often found myself in a dilemma: low on health and ammo, I'd need to avoid combat, yet fleeing meant missing out crucial materials and areas.

This is why I initially abandoned the game seven years ago.

The recent news about medium-range rocket launches must have triggered my memory, reminding me of the unfinished journey at the Talos I space station. Revisiting my old save file from December 2017 filled me with nostalgia, prompting me to start a new game and see how far I could progress.

Ultimately, it took me 13 hours to reach the unexpected ending.

Like Dishonored, Prey thrusts players into perilous situations while allowing them to make their own choices. One intriguing aspect of Prey is you don't really know if you are doing the right thing. You spend much of the time gathering information from notes, emails, and recordings to understand what has happened. Initially, you're guided by a single main mission and a few side quests. However, once you encounter January, a reprogrammed Operator, and watch some compelling video clips, the main narrative begins to diverge. Depending on whom you trust, you can choose to destroy Talos I, sacrificing everyone to stop the Mimic invasion, or escape with the other survivors with the possibility of harming all creatures on earth. Both endings are plausible if you've taken the time to gather the necessary evidence. Personally, I found the destruction ending particularly compelling, sitting on a chair watching for the final moment, ready to sacrifice you and everyone's life and watch the galaxy explode only to find Alex with 4 other operators wake you up and comment on your behaviors — What a classic twist.

The Gloo Gun's versatility is another highlight. It can freeze enemies, seal electrical or fire leaks, and create blocks to access higher areas — it's an incredibly fun tool to play with. The Mimics, too, are unique with standout features. Arkane Studios did an excellent job designing enemies that can transform into everyday objects, a concept that remains clever today. The ability for Morgan to eventually mimic these transformations adds a delightful twist to gameplay.

However, the game isn't without its flaws. The constant combat and mini hacking games can easily become tiresome. Long distances between objectives, exacerbated by buggy waypoints are tedious. The numerous similar-looking rooms and the absence of a fast travel system also detracted the experience. Additionally, the game feels too challenging, even on Easy mode I frequently ran out of ammo and died a few times.

In conclusion, Prey's innovative ideas make it worth experiencing, but the gameplay can sometimes feel tedious, so don't be too hard on yourself if you decide to put it down before the ending.

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Upplagd 3 augusti.
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3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
3.2 timmar totalt
Repetitive combats, limited monsters and weapons, uninteresting story, occasionally okay but mostly poor landscape design, numb character facial expressions, tedious gameplay - a waste of 4 hours.

For a game priced at $5.99, one might lower expectations and tolerate some shortcomings. However, the original price of $29.99 for Scars Above feels like a rip-off. At $5.99, you could get top-tier games like the Hitman and GTA franchises during sales, offering a far better experience.

Scars Above follows astronauts stranded on a deserted, primitive planet filled with hostile creatures, attempting to return home. The planet is largely devoid of civilization, except for simple characters used in puzzle-solving. Player battles primarily outdoors, navigating swamps, flatlands, caves, icy mountains etc with minimal scenic value. Despite its primitive nature, the planet inexplicably harbors advanced technology and mysterious powers that sustain labs and monsters in test tubes, making the story unreliable.

The game forces players to traverse long distances and face numerous and repetitive enemies. Battles frequently feel like ambushes: occasionally the game forces players into old memories, only for them to awaken surrounded by enemies. Towards the end, players must revisit three areas from earlier stages to clear out monsters - a completely unnecessary and tedious task that only served to make me more curious about just how bad this game could get.

Scars Above is not the worst game I've played this year, but it comes close. I don't recommend this game. Save your money and time for something more worthwhile.

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Upplagd 29 juli. Senast ändrad 6 augusti.
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0.6 timmar totalt (0.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I only used it once to fullscreen a game that does not offer any screen option yet Alt+ Enter does not work. Easy to use and worked well.
Upplagd 25 juli.
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