Supreme Kunelips
...   Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Kunester, Kunai Knife, Kunai, Kune Slayer, Kylai, Kunelagoons, Kunelips,
Hakunamatata, Kuna Kid
Currently Offline
Gardenfoot 16 Jul, 2017 @ 11:28pm 
Legends say you may not return, others say you will, I know for a fact I will forever look upon the shrine of your Steam profile in the hope that one day you will return.
Gardenfoot 4 Jan, 2015 @ 6:11am 
But i have a picture of Larry Bieber :ryanwink::ryanwink::ryanwink::ryanwink::ryanwink::ryanwink::ryanwink::ryanwink::ryanwink::ryanwink::ryanwink::ryanwink::ryanwink::ryanwink:
Cleze 8 Nov, 2014 @ 3:23am 
The apples do not fall far from the tree, So then "Apple Peeler" peels them while they are juicy and nice. Once a apple told me that if you twist the stick on top of the apples magical fairys will come out of them. So spread the word of this magic wounder and spread good word about "Apple Peeler", If you don't tell 3 people you will be cursed by the Anti-Apple, this may cause many side effects such as cancer, aids and you may become pregnant with a apple. The magical song is | So you better hop to it before the rabbits eat all of "Apple Peelers" apples
Gardenfoot 2 Nov, 2014 @ 10:57pm 
kile pls
Cleze 21 Oct, 2014 @ 1:35am 
You just reposted mine... How rude