Москалі - підараси / Read profile info   Yalta, Krym, Ukraine
Article 1:
Ukraine is a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, and legal state.
Article 2:
The sovereignty of Ukraine extends to its entire territory.
Ukraine is a unitary state.
The territory of Ukraine within its existing borders is integral and inviolable.
Article 3:
A person, their life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security are recognized in Ukraine as the highest social value.
Human rights and freedoms and their guarantees define the content and direction of the state's activities. The state is responsible to the person for its activities.
The affirmation and protection of human rights and freedoms is the main duty of the state.
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pahanchik 28 Feb @ 2:07pm 
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enimem 20 Feb @ 2:27am 
XIII 19 Feb @ 12:15pm 
ну ты и еблан конечно
enimem 16 Feb @ 8:23am 
I can't paint 13 Feb @ 9:37am 