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13.7 h registradas (10.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I like the big trucks they're so cool and I want one because truckys are cool
Publicada el 14 de octubre de 2023.
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0.4 h registradas
I've seen better roblox games
Publicada el 31 de mayo de 2022.
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538.4 h registradas (501.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Still pissed about the lack of linux support! You'd think with all the anime stuff it was primarily them.
Publicada el 20 de octubre de 2021.
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20.5 h registradas (19.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ MAKE (average of 1 and 5 is banned from reviews wtf) ALREADY YOU LAZY ♥♥♥♥♥!!! ITS BEEN 17 YEARS!!!
Publicada el 30 de julio de 2021. Última edición: 30 de julio de 2021.
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0.6 h registradas
I wanted to like this game. It looked like the starcraft alpha when it was still in space! Too much like it... From what I've played I can only assume this is some sort of port of a browser or mobile game or its in early alpha. This is not a finished PC game... I have more time on the demo but that doesn't get counted. I actually bought this to leave a review and to check if the demo wasn't maybe a broken older build but as far as I can tell there is no difference. I am seeking a refund.

The graphics are somehow worse than the 90s games that apparently inspire it. Units and buildings blend into the backgrounds and it seems to be zoomed too far out or needs less blurry textures. The game looks like its been run through youtube set to 480p. The diaglouge is written as though it was translated poorly from Chinese or something and I cannot skip lines so I have to listen to the poor craigslist voice actors trying their best with the dialogue and uncorrected mispronunciations (that's the writer's fault for not giving feedback) The characters are so boring and seem to be ripped from different souces or at least have very inconsistent art styles. The placement of girls in skin-tight outfits on loading or menu screens is transparently like those crappy kingdom builder mobile games. None of the ships or creatures seem very inspired or unique as many are direct rips of starcraft or other games. THE MUSIC LOOPS EVERY 3 MINUTES AND DRIVES ME NUTS!

The game plays ok at best. I like the way mining works although its hard to tell whats going on with them most of the time. I can't rally workers to minerals nor does queuing buildings seem to work. That would be acceptable in 1998 but now? The idea to have the resources be brought to the lumber mills (warcraft) and then carried home by the transport ship is neat and I like the variety of resources and their uses. The fights I am less fond of. The ships control in a sluggish manner and are very bad at acquiring targets. The fights are stale affairs full micro to make sure your dumb units don't forget about the rest of the enemies while they watch their buddies die. The controls are a pain, and the UI is so large it blocks the edges of the map. Space walls are silly and its even more silly that only some units can fly over them. I think there is a reason the Blizzard devs abandoned making a 2d space RTS... I would go on but this is already so long and I want to refund this game. I never got into the multiplayer but based on the bug reports I'm glad I didn't.

This should not be 20 dollars in its current state. I highly reccomend that the dev, if he/she actually cares about their work, change this game to early access and make it free or less than 5 dollars until (and maybe after) its done. A redesign of the whole look of this game wouldn't hurt. Starcraft is free and the remastered game is 15 bucks! If this is your weekend project I don't mean to be rude, I just won't lie. If this is the work of some dumb company preying on the nostalgia of old RTS games like all the crappy mobile games then shame on you!

One day I could see this being a fun game but for now its an uninspired, blurry mess. Please leave comments, I'm curious what fans of the current state see in this game!
Publicada el 17 de julio de 2021.
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Un desarrollador ha respondido el 18 JUL 2021 a las 1:48 (ver respuesta)
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1 persona encontró divertida esta reseña
17.8 h registradas (10.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Publicada el 17 de abril de 2021.
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A 3 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
23.4 h registradas (8.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Why the ♥♥♥♥ can't they add local multiplayer? I want to plug in my USB xbox controllers and play with my buddies. IS THAT NOT THE POINT OF HALO? I wish I had read about it before buying or I would've abstained. Now I have to drag around my POS XBone to play halo and it always wants an update and to be logged in...
Publicada el 15 de diciembre de 2020.
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77.4 h registradas (67.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Perfect game. Its structural perfection is matched only by its content. How they managed to make a game look THIS good and run THIS well while consuming less than 30 gb and using so few resources is beyond me. The sound designer needs a Nobel prize. Good headphones can launch this game from great to amazing. If you don't like being scared that sucks but at least appreciate the love and care that went into this game.
Publicada el 18 de junio de 2020.
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4.3 h registradas (3.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Reseña de acceso anticipado
Thank you so much for making a simple but very fun VR game!

The simple graphics and classical score are very relaxing. I love that it runs so well (I don't have the best computer for VR right now. The Bi-plane and free machine gun are so well implemented!

I wish there was more to this game. I could see playing this for hours on end if there were more levels or more planes/weapons. Seriously, the mechanics are so good you only need to add more content. I wish I could pay you for making this free (that sounds dumb i know) so send me your paypal to my DMs and I will drop you an American 5er, which is what I would expect pay for this game in its current state. PLEASE make more David Mohe Gould!
Publicada el 11 de junio de 2020.
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47.8 h registradas (47.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Publicada el 16 de mayo de 2020.
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