Hell UnLeashed+sSs+
Russian Federation
In the depths, of these shadows.
My heart’s beat is forever shallow.
The endless path, this never-ending hell
I seek your gift to sustain, to sustain this mortal shell.

The hidden secrets in the dark.
This turmoil has left its permanent mark.
Desire, I yearn for the scorching fire.

The hidden secrets in the dark.
This turmoil has left its permanent mark.
Desire, my scars forever a stark reminder.

The darkest path, the darkest path leads to the Light,
The forsaken journey, no end in sight.
Barren wasteland of despair before me.
I only hope this is not a dream
I really hope this is not a dream, but reality.

With this life I devote my being,
To unravelling truth - Enlightenment seeking.
This fire runs right through my veins,
The power of Light, unbound and unchained.
I am the Light. I am the Light.
The darkness
Has become my mortal right.

Currently Online
Aten 21 Oct, 2021 @ 10:58am 
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