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Having been a fan of Silent Hunter 3 and later SH5, which I can't get to run properly now on Windows 10, I decided to try out Uboat, to see if it was gong to be as good as SH3 with the Grey Wolves add on mod.

I bought Uboat quite a while ago now, when it was in very early development, but could not get to grips with it with All the bugs and glitches, you seem to get with all early access games, was making it difficult for me to enjoy, so I uninstalled it But now, twelve months on, I have give it another go.

Although it plays differently to the SH games and focuses more on crew management, than the SH style of play, it does have a lot going for it as far as enjoyment is concerned and plays like a proper Submarine sim should play.

What I really love about this game is the fact that you actually feel as though you are part of the crew itself, as the Captain in charge of the rest of the officers and men aboard your Type VII Uboat. No more lifeless crew on this Sub, or frozen machinery, everything moves as it should do on a Uboat game, from crew members carrying out the their duties, to the movement of the Diesel Engines and Torpedoes being loaded and lots lots more. The whole boat is alive, with the whole crew, going about their jobs, eating meals, resting or even going to the loo, the whole boat is alive and you are part of it playing this game.

Let me say a little about the devs (Deep Water Studios) who are making this game. They have constantly been updating the game ever since its release and are continuously updating it every month or so. They listen to the community, not like Ubisoft and other massif game studios, who are just after your cash, rather than improving on getting their games fit for purpose. The devs of this game are doing their best to get a fully workable game ready for its final release from Early Access status, to a decent playable game.
There are also a growing number of Mods available for this game, done by the community, here on the Steam Workshop, which greatly improve some of the game play and helps to make the game more appealing, to those who are not skilled at modding, like me Lol. So thank you all you game modders.

Graphically, this game is beautiful, throughout the whole game and it looks real too. Proper dynamic weather, realistic sea and gorgeous skies and sunsets, you just feel as though you are out there with them when playing the game.

It has a long learning curve and can be difficult to grasp how best to play the game, as there is so much in this game, you need to know, to get to play it properly. There is a tutorial in game, but this does not go deep enough to cover all this game has to offer, just the basics really to get you going. However, there are lots of tutorials on Steam and Youtube, that will make things a bit clearer and help you get started.

There are a few things, I have yet to learn about this game, but I can honestly say that it is enjoyable, to say the least, as far as I am concerned. I have lost quite a few subs whilst playing this and sent all my crew to a watery grave, bur have also had successes and sent quite a few ships to the bottom as well. So if you have not yet tried this game, please do so, as it is one of the best Uboat games ever made so far, since the days of SH.
I rate it 8.5/10
Опубликовано 14 июля 2021 г.. Отредактировано 16 июля 2021 г..
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Some of you will regard this dlc as a waste of money, because it has no real purpose in the game except for moving a few passengers or a very small amount of goods, from port to port. Yes it fly's quicker than any ship can sail and you can go overland with it which makes travel distance a lot shorter than the sea route.

It is treated like any other ship as far as storage is concerned, taking up one slot in your docks and you set it as Main to use it. then send to Docks when you want to store it and sail a ship again. As far as flying is concerned, it is not very easy. Like a ship, it relies on the wind to move it. But unlike a ship it flies using thermals, so to actually steer it you have to increase or decrease altitude, where it seems to pick up different wind directions and speed. The higher you go, the faster it seems to travel.

To use it you set it as Main, like any other ship and it will be parked at the Jetty like a ship does. Click the Leave Port and use the W key to make it rise and the S key to descend and use the A & D keys as a rudder. Just try raising it and lowering it first before flying off away from the Jetty, because you can only leave it when you reach the jetty area, just the same as you do when in a ship. It is not easy to steer it as like I have said, it goes where the wind takes it and you have to adjust the steering by using the thermals at different levels which also increases or decreases the speed it fly's.

To enter a port, you need to land it near to the Jetty area, to get the Enter Port message, so that you can leave the Balloon.
It will take a bit of practice to get it to land near the Jetty. You can see where your Balloon is on the Map, like you can with your ship, but you must have the Navigation Perk installed, otherwise you won't know where you are. You can set a course like you can with a ship and you can then use the A / D keys to line up your compass to the red marker, just like you can when steering a ship. But, a lot depends on your altitude as to how the Balloon will react, so you may need to use the W / S keys to help by using the thermals. It is quite fun to fly, once you get the hang of it, but it's not for the feint hearted, as it took me over an hour, trying to land it close enough to the Port Jetty, so I could enter port.

Is it worth a buy. Well as far as use is concerned, No,not really, as you can't carry much in it except a few passengers. But as a Novelty and fun aspect, then Yes, because it isn't too expensive whilst it's on offer. There are no instructions of how to use it, but it is treated as another ship as far as storage and use, except the steering of it depends on the height you are travelling and the direction the wind is blowing, so the compass will determine the direction of the wind and the height of the Balloon will also alter the direction when using the rudder keys (A & D).

When you look at the Balloon Hold, you will notice it only has a few slots and looking at the rest of the info, you will notice it has a Paint box where you can add the chosen paint from your warehouse. You will need to have the Paint dlc. The trouble is, the Balloon which is classed as a Rank 7 ship, is not listed in the Paint dlc, when you choose rank 7, so you can't change the colour, but this might be added later, in the next update.

If you buy it, HAVE FUN, but get used to landing it in the right place before to go wandering off, as once you leave port it isn't so easy to get back again and you could spend a long time trying to dock it, so you can get out of it.
Опубликовано 29 мая 2021 г.. Отредактировано 29 мая 2021 г..
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I watched the film Ben Hur recently and wondered if there were any video games based on the film, but after searching on Steam, I came across this game, Gladio and Glory and whats more it is Free. I decided to download it to see what it was actually like, but being free, I wasn't expecting much. How wrong I was. This game still being updated as I write was made by just one person, and not by a large game studio dev team. I was blown away by how good and realistic this game is. It is not for the faint hearted, as there is a lot of blood and gore, but that was what these gladiators had to endure, back in ancient Rome. Okay, there is no chariots in this ampitheatre, but there are lots of gladiators and weapons to choose from as well as beasts like tigers, lions and even elephants to add to the arena. I definitely recommend this game if you like these kind of games. I salute the author of this gem of a game, which runs very smoothly without any glitches and is being improved on a regular basis. Maybe we might see some chariot racing added at some stage, which will really make this game more enjoyable.
Опубликовано 21 мая 2021 г.. Отредактировано 21 мая 2021 г..
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If you are into Crafting, Ship building and Trading as well as just lots of Action, this DLC is worth having. It gives you lots more warehouse space in all your ports, more docks and 5 extra building permits. I have acquired a very large amount of resources ,since I built my Trading Ship Company and was running out of storage and dock space, With a large warship fleet and now a growing trading fleet, I was running out of dock space. This this has now enabled me to expand my trading empire and build maintain my warship fleet.

I am not a fan of multiplayer games, I just enjoy going it alone as I can go at my own pace and the Pve server is ideal for the solo player.
Опубликовано 16 августа 2020 г.. Отредактировано 16 августа 2020 г..
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I Ummed and Ah'd about this DLC at first which I thought was a lot of money just to change the paint on some of your ships. But decided to splash out when I realised that you can repaint your ships as many times as you like, if you have this Paint DLC. You can only pant one ship each time you use it. Before you can paint another ship, you have to wait 24 hours before you can use it again. You can use it to change the paint on every ship in the game, from the humble 7th rate Cutter to the mighty 1st rate Victory. Even trading ships can be painted too, Some ships only have one other choice of paint. Most have several choices and some ships have up to four or five different paint schemes you can choose from.

I do quite a bit of Trading, so have painted all my fleet of trading ships ( 3 Trading, Brigs, & 3 Indiaman's) in Rouge Noir (Black/Red) and they look great. You can even paint the same ship over again if you fancy a change or want to revert it back to its default colour, by just destroying the paint from the allocated paint slot in the ships placements, just like deleting cannons. I have used this DLC quite a lot and once you have it, you can use it as much as you want every 24 hours, just like redeeming DLC ships every 24 hours.
So was it worth it? Yes, it was for me, because I like to be able to have a choice of colour for my ships, other than just the default colour. Recommended!
Опубликовано 16 августа 2020 г.. Отредактировано 16 августа 2020 г..
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2,167.7 ч. всего (781.3 ч. в момент написания)
Great game if you like old sailing ships. Beautiful graphics and ships. Opportunities to fight, trade or build your own ships. Although this game can be hard to grasp at first, it can be so immersive, you will soon get used to all it has to offer. You can choose which way you want to play, either PVP for multiplayer or PVE as a solo player, where you can just go it alone.
Опубликовано 28 июля 2020 г..
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1,596.1 ч. всего (1,508.6 ч. в момент написания)
This is one of the best transport games available. Highly recommended
Опубликовано 9 июня 2020 г..
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