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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries
Collection by Merlinator
lolipopos and my stuff
Collection by Merlinator
Swords Overload
Collection by Merlinator
A modpack which contains sword mods. Everything that is related to swords and looks cool to me goes here, no matter whether it changes some sword's combo or adds new swords, it doesn't matter.
Too many species
Collection by Merlinator
A lot of species mods and some other mods. !CAUTION! Some mod causes NPCs to die at random. It's probably a race mod. And it's the Latexians. And somehow inventory interface redone doesn't work anymore. So don't subscribe to that one.
Penguin Stuff
Collection by Merlinator
Avikan stuff
Collection by Merlinator
The Avikan mod and all the mods I additionnally use.
"Vanilla" Modpack
Collection by Merlinator
The mods I always use. Most of them change visuals or slightly alter mechanics.
DS Mods
Collection by Merlinator
The DS Mod and all the mods I add to it.
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