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Recenzii recente de Karrolanth

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Very short but very nice. Soothing, and with pleasant music... just drift along for a few minutes and enjoy!

It's been a rough few weeks... I needed something like this. Thank you, Ondrej!
Postat 15 mai 2019.
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Sadly, I have to give this one a thumbs down for me personally. I found that the controls and camera angles gave me motion sickness, and I also found the mini games frustrating (climbing chimneys, following suspects, etc.).

The overall concept isn't terrible, but I thought the implementation was lacking. I liked the idea of being a detective and solving cases, but this one is just not for me.
Postat 8 aprilie 2019.
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As another reviewer said, this game is "charming and relaxing"!

I found the graphics and colours very pleasing, the sound effects and music were fitting, and the gameplay needed just a little bit of thought from the player but was never frustrating or annoying.

Well worth 30 minutes or so of your time, especially as it's free. :)

Nice work, devs, I hope you go on to bigger and even better things!
Postat 6 ianuarie 2019.
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"So the sun set on the mammoth."

A sweet and rather sad game, worth a few minutes of your time. The art is nice, the voice acting is pleasant and appropriate.

It takes five to ten minutes, and it's free so you have nothing to lose.
Postat 12 august 2018.
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5.4 ore înregistrate
Recommended, but use caution if you have any sensitivities to flashing lights. There are no warnings about this, and it happens towards the end of most chapters. I found it very annoying.

The Room Two is rather creepy and unsettling in comparison to the first episode, particularly the "seance" chapter. Note that if you have an aversion to such things as Tarot, you may want to give this game a miss. However, given the somewhat supernatural nature of both these games, if you enjoyed the first one you probably won't mind this.

In some ways The Room Two was harder than the first game, in that there are sometimes several things you can look at and try to interact with so it can be difficult to know where to start (the final chapter was probably the worst example of this). Hints are available if you get stuck, though, and the game does a fairly good job of leading you around the different rooms. In other ways, though, I felt that it was easier than the first game - especially in the way it often makes it SO obvious where you should use the eyepiece!

I did like this game and I recommend it, but personally I think I enjoyed the first game more. I loved the "tactile" feel of playing with the boxes in that one, and although this episode has more varied locations I missed that tactile feeling. My favourite location here was the ship, because that evoked some of the same feelings as the first episode.

If you like puzzle games then get one or both of these. Don't be put off by the "horror" tags - horror isn't my thing at all but I didn't mind the atmosphere in these games, and as mentioned above I'd describe it as creepy and/or unsettling in places rather than horrifying.
Postat 15 ianuarie 2017.
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6.6 ore înregistrate (6.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Not sure why this one has the tag "horror" on the store page - atmospheric, yes; eerie, possibly. Not "horror".

I also wouldn't really call it a "hidden object" game, even though you do have to look around and find things. It's nothing like the sort of hidden object games that companies like Artifex Mundi produce, for example, although I do love those.

This is a puzzle - or more accurately a series of puzzle boxes. They are beautifully detailed and I want to own real, tactile versions of them! (Since the devs are based in my old home town, I also liked seeing "Guildford, England" in various places on the boxes! :) ) Perhaps Fireproof Games will one day make a VR version of this game, so that we can get close to the physical feeling of turning, twisting, pulling and sliding all the various bits and pieces of these boxes... I'd buy that!

I was expecting to get stuck playing this, to be honest, especially since some reviewers said people who liked Myst would probably like The Room. I didn't like Myst, I found it too difficult! But I loved this game, and the hint system was very handy in a couple of spots where I couldn't quite figure out what I needed to do next. I believe you can disable hints if you want a bit more of a challenge, and I think I probably could have figured it out myself eventually. Really, you just have to pay attention, look closely at everything, and if in doubt try using the eyepiece and see if you spot anything new!

The mouse controls were a little awkward at times, especially when trying to turn handles, and I presume this is a result of the game originally being designed for mobile touchscreen devices. Other than that I had no issues and thoroughly enjoyed the game!
Postat 15 ianuarie 2017.
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5.1 ore înregistrate
I don't feel I can recommend this game at full price, but unless abrupt endings are a definite deal-breaker for you then it's worth a playthrough if you get it on sale.

As other reviewers have said, the last chapter is short and very easy compared to the others and it feels rushed, like they ran out of time or money. The ending is non-existent. After the opening scenes, and the subsequent journey through Alice's hopes and fears (presumably while she tries to decide if she wants to continue with her life and change direction to follow her dreams, or just let go), I was expecting an ending that tied things up and explained how she changed her life. Or at least a short scene to end things a bit more neatly than the single sentence we get in the game. Sadly, no.

However, I did very much enjoy the game apart from the ending, so I'm still giving it a thumbs up at a reduced price. Be aware going into it that you're not going to get a satisfying ending, and just enjoy it for what it is. :)
Postat 27 decembrie 2016.
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1.6 ore înregistrate
Whether or not you consider Amphora worth the price (on sale or otherwise) might depend on your tolerance for frustration.

I really wanted to love this game - I've been attracted to the look of it since I first saw it, and finally decided to buy it on sale. It is stunningly beautiful, and I feel very sorry to give it a thumbs down but it's just too irritating!

I don't mind having to put some thought into a puzzle solution, and it can be a great feeling when you finally get it, but if the physics are unpredictable it just becomes an exercise in frustration. As an example, in the "fireworks" level I could see what I needed to do after a moment. But getting it done? (Potential spoilers.) I finally got one bench positioned just right so that a rocket went straight outside where it needed to - great! Now I just have to get the other one in the correct place to direct the rocket into the sky, right? Except that the next 8 or so rockets I fired all went in slightly different directions to the first one and not one of them made it outside. The amount of precision needed to get the rocket at the exact same angle in the lantern every time (I'm presuming that was the issue) took any fun out of the endeavour for me. I eventually got it done after maybe 25 minutes or so (more through luck than judgement), had a quick go at the following level, and gave up for the night when that one looked to be even more frustration just waiting to happen.

Added to that is the issue mentioned by another reviewer of not being sure what the chains are actually capable of and when they might break, which often seems illogical and just adds to the frustration when you finally get something right and then moving something else breaks that perfect positioning.

Perhaps a tutorial with more information might be helpful here, or at least a couple of levels where learning the tolerances of the chains and objects might be easier and not cause so much irritation. Figuring out how to play in the beginning was fun, but the difficulty of understanding the apparently-unpredictable physics after a few levels took that fun away.

I'm sorry, developers - you've made an incredibly beautiful game that just isn't very much fun for me, and fun is more important than looks in the end. Although it was relatively cheap on sale, my funds are too limited to waste right now so I'm afraid I'll be requesting a refund. :(
Postat 23 decembrie 2016. Editat ultima dată 23 decembrie 2016.
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1.2 ore înregistrate (0.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
It seems like this game will be quite short, as others have said - I've been playing for around 45 minutes and am probably about halfway through the levels. However, I bought it on a whim and if I get a couple of hours of enjoyment from a game for only a dollar, I'd consider it money well spent!

The music is somewhat repetitive, but I didn't mind that because I found it beautiful and relaxing. No discordant noises to spoil the mood, just soft and peaceful music which I thought was slightly melancholy at times.

The artwork is lovely - quite a simple style, as can be seen in the pictures on the store page, but the colours are wonderful and I found the scenes very pleasing to the eye.

I'm not sure about the accompanying story... just when I think I'm starting to follow it, the next picture shows me something different which doesn't seem to fit with what I thought was going on! But I wasn't expecting much from that side of the game anyway, and I'm not playing it for a thrilling narrative. I'm here to enjoy some puzzles! :)

New mechanics are introduced slowly and it may take a little playing around and just clicking on things to see what happens, since there are no instructions whatsoever (not even pictorial ones). There are also no penalties for failure, so unless you're very easily frustrated (in which case puzzle games may not be Your Thing!) then it's not a problem to just try clicking and/or dragging in various places to see how things work. I thought I was stuck at one point, but I just needed to look at the puzzle and think a bit longer before realising what I needed to do. I don't know how much the difficulty might increase towards the end, but so far there hasn't been anything too challenging and most of the puzzles only take a couple of minutes or so. It does make me think, but doesn't leave me feeling like an idiot after scratching my head for twenty minutes and still not seeing a solution!

I'm not sure if the game will really have any replay value after I've finished all the levels, but it seems like something I might come back to at some point if I just want a relaxing game to while away a bit of time.

All in all, I found this game adorable. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys puzzles and would like a pleasant game that isn't going to make your brain hurt! It would be great for just playing two or three puzzles on a break or while waiting for something, or you can sit down with your hot beverage of choice and spend a couple of hours on it. :)
Postat 21 decembrie 2016.
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5.9 ore înregistrate
A fun game, although I felt the ending was rushed and disappointing. I got a few hours of play for less than a dollar, though, so I'm not complaining too much! The storyline kept me guessing on a couple of points, although the 'twist' of who the protagonist is became obvious fairly early.

I enjoyed the puzzles, and most were not too difficult although I had to use some trial and error for a couple. The hidden object scenes were a little different from most other games of this type that I've played - instead of working from a list, there is a 'wheel' of objects to find that will result in either putting together something you need, or causing something else to happen in the scene that reveals your objective (I did have to laugh at the hot air balloon!). In most scenes there were several similar objects, so you had to find the right one - for example you need a glove, but there are a few gloves strewn around so which do you choose? As far as I can tell there were no penalties for misclicks (and there are no achievements), so if you have trouble there's no harm in clicking all the gloves!

All in all, a fun game for the price although I would probably recommend picking it up at a discount if you can.
Postat 18 martie 2016.
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