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Ostatnie recenzje napisane przez użytkownika Karrolanth

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Wyświetlanie 11-20 z 49 pozycji
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A "cautious recommendation" for this one.

I loved the idea of this pack and really looked forward to its release, but as someone else mentioned it's really a jaunt through history (and prehistory!) and not quite what I was expecting. The lack of a certain blue phone box is no doubt due to copyright issues, but it would have been a nice addition! ;)

For me personally, around half the pictures were just not fun to colour. I'm not going to downvote it just because of that, but it wouldn't be top of my list to recommend to a newcomer. My favourite in this book was the 1920s picture, which is an actual historical poster (the "Spirit of Future" one shown on the store page), and I loved the style and colour palette of this one. I hope for an Art Deco book, or a book with a similar style/palette to this picture, at some point!
Opublikowana: 26 czerwca 2021.
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0.0 godz. łącznie
Most pictures are small to medium sized, but all were interesting and fun to colour. My least favourite design was probably the Ogre, because of the large expanses of the same colour, but there was nothing I outright disliked in this book.

I do like how the Elf, despite being so small, still manages to look suitably smug... ;)
Opublikowana: 26 czerwca 2021.
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I recommend this book for its colourful and cheerful nature, but be aware that many of the pictures are relatively small due to their design.

It's not what I was hoping for based on the subject (I didn't expect jogging, pillow fights, a line of laundry etc.), but it was still enjoyable just because of the cheerful colour palettes used. (Cherry Blossom is a pain though! ;) )
Opublikowana: 26 czerwca 2021.
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0.0 godz. łącznie
I enjoyed the buildings and room scenes in this book, the rest not so much! I'm not a fan of patterns, and many of the designs were just too repetitive for my taste. Like the Variety book, the larger pictures made this pack worthwhile for me.

I usually work in sections across the picture for the larger designs, but for the final Home design I enjoyed "building" the house by working the yard first, then the two levels of the house and finally the roof. :) (Note that this picture doesn't have as many pixels as the large size (520 x 455) would suggest, since it's not a completely-filled rectangle - due to their isometric nature, most of the images are like this anyway.)
Opublikowana: 26 czerwca 2021.
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0.0 godz. łącznie
A decent pack, and certainly lives up to its name! Half the pack is VERY small pictures though, and many of them are not particularly good. It's the larger ones that make the book worthwhile for me, and the Stone Dragon is one of my favourite pictures in the whole game (from the DLC I have so far, anyway!). The final picture, Mountain Range, was a bit of a pain and I had to work on it in small sections, in between doing other more fun designs. It's lovely when finished, but was not so much fun to colour.
Opublikowana: 26 czerwca 2021.
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0.0 godz. łącznie
A relatively quick pack to colour, but still worth it for the low price. Many of the flower designs are heavily stylised, but they are colourful and fun to colour. Some of the larger designs are more realistic and take much longer to complete.

Some of these designs would also work great for cross stitch! :)
Opublikowana: 26 czerwca 2021.
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0.0 godz. łącznie
I love space, so buying this book was an easy decision! Some of the smaller pictures aren't fabulous but were still fun, and I didn't even mind the notorious Carina Nebula too much. My favourites were the various planets and sun, despite the complexity of the images, and I loved the colour in the final Colony picture (even though the scale was completely off! ;) )
Opublikowana: 26 czerwca 2021.
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0.0 godz. łącznie
I'm giving this one a thumbs up because it's not a terrible book, but it's certainly not one of my favourites. Many of the pictures are quite small, and four of the largest ones are actually just collections of small figures/icons lumped together. While this did make it easier to break up the colouring of these large pictures into smaller sections, it was also quite repetitive and by the end I just wanted to get them done and out of the way! (I especially disliked the Elves and Dwarves.)

If you love the idea of the book and don't mind colouring lots of small repetitive pictures, then go for it.
Opublikowana: 26 czerwca 2021.
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0.0 godz. łącznie
One of the best books - I love both of the Vistas books, but this one has the added bonus of some lovely circular designs. They are a bit more stylised than the first book, but I love the colour palettes used in these pictures and had a lot of fun colouring the book!

I highly recommend both Vistas books if you are starting out with the game and wondering which DLC to buy. :)
Opublikowana: 26 czerwca 2021.
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I love both of the Vistas books - lots of lovely pictures to colour in these!

I particularly like the skylines and am hoping for an entire book of cityscapes one day... :)
Opublikowana: 26 czerwca 2021.
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Wyświetlanie 11-20 z 49 pozycji