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지난 2주간 0.0시간 / 기록상 3.3시간
게시 일시: 2015년 8월 31일 오후 8시 37분
업데이트됨: 2015년 10월 13일 오후 9시 27분

Endearingly awful... :)

Cheesy B-movie acting, a plot that doesn't even pretend to take itself seriously, and some amusing jokes - for a mere $0.10 on sale I really can't complain too much! It was a little dull at times, and the excuses for making you go find stuff were lame, but it was a couple of hours of mild entertainment for almost nothing.

The characters who inhabit Hidden Object Games are some of the messiest people I've ever seen - I'm no longer surprised by the piles of junk they seem to have in all their cupboards and corners and desks. Unfortunately in this game, some of the objects you were asked to find were barely visible behind other objects (just a tiny piece poking out), were hard to see clearly, were named oddly, or were completely hidden behind other objects that you probably wouldn't know you could move unless the hint sparkles told you so...

Speaking of which, the 'easy' mode was far too easy. Pause in your random clicking for mere seconds and the game would show you what you needed to find, without you asking it for help. That said, though, some tasks or locations seemed so obscure that I'm not sure I would have known I could look closer at a particular spot in the room if it hadn't shown me.

I did encounter one bug, where the game refused to respond to my clicking and I thought I'd have to restart, but it was fixed by going to the main menu and then continuing the game. Other than that, the only issues I encountered were with the clicks picking up objects I wasn't actually clicking on in some cases, which may have something to do with it apparently being a mobile port (I presume, what with it telling you to 'tap here' or to swipe the screen in order to complete a mini game).

I had a few laughs while playing, and especially at the end credits - I'm not sure I would have been happy to pay full price even though it IS cheap, but on sale it's worth a play through. Just don't expect anything serious and you'll be okay! :)
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