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投稿日: 2020年9月29日 22時13分

I'm giving this a thumbs up purely because it's a free sample of the full game, so you may as well try it if you think it will appeal to you!

For me personally, the art style is quirky and not too bad, but the voice acting was really irritating. I would have preferred just text instead of the voices! Having choices that affect your gameplay is a nice touch in this type of game, although I'm not sure how well it would actually play out in the full version. It's also a bit in your face with how it points you in a particular direction rather than leaving you to figure out which might be the "good" and "bad" choices, although I suppose if you're going for a particular ending then it makes that easier.

I like point and click games, but I found the voice acting so annoying that it puts me off purchasing the full game. I'm glad I had the chance to try this demo, for that reason!
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