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Скорошни рецензии на Ramlet117

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68.8 изиграни часа
Although the battles themselves are fun to play with and the AI campaign mode is interesting, there are many bugs and issues which destroy any fun that you're having. My experience has been with the AI campaign + scenarios.

- Using reinforcements with larger numbers of units often results in the game being stuck after you place your units down and press the envelope to end your setup, requiring a restart of the game. This can occur at the start of the battle or worse, when a new day occurs. Even when the mechanic works as intended, the friendly AI is insufferably stupid, losing all of your units immediately [Bug]
- Using reinforcements with smaller numbers of units sometimes results in the game being stuck, similarly to larger amounts even if there is no friendly AI and you have all control of your units (and reinforcements) [Bug]
- Loading a battle with too many units (>15) often results in the game stuck at the envelope bug, irregardless of reinforcements [Bug]
- After a new day, enemy AI units are invisible during setup and sometimes aren't spawned at all, resulting in a battle with only your troops that you can only surrender to exit or quit and restart the battle. [Bug]
- The enemy AI is incapable of using artillery, with the mitrailleuse gun being the only exception I've encountered. This is odd, since I remember earlier on (when the game came out) the AI was capable of using artillery but this was somehow lost in some update. [Bug]
- Maxed out field hospitals seem to be worse than having makeshift field hospitals, since for some reason maxed out hospitals results in no casualties recovering whereas some recover with makeshift. This makes Florence Nightingale the worst thing that can possibly happen to you as the British [Bug]
- Winning a battle against the AI can often seem pointless as the AI is able to recover >50% of its losses after a battle, whereas any losses you sustain generally are not recovered, especially with maxed hospitals. [Balance]
- Killing 100% of the units that the AI has in a battle often results to little losses to that army back in campaign view.
- Encircling an AI army is the only way to wipe that army out, often requiring many 100% victories over the same army. Your own armies though can be lost within one or two defeats, since most of your losses are not recovered. [Balance]
- Saving campaigns sometimes does not work, regardless if it is saved with the autogenerated autosave name or saved with an actual save name [Bug]
- The continue and exit buttons in campaign battles seem to be redundant or broken as they do the same time [Minor Bug]
- Bombarding or repairing the walls has mystical requirements, sometimes consuming manpower and other times consuming money. [UI]
- A lot of the buttons/actions you can do in campaign view has unclear requirements as sometimes hovering over the buttons does not show the required resources. It would be clearer if the requirements were listed on the buttons themselves [UI]
- The Friendly AI units are capable of targeting and shooting your units for some reason, but you are prohibited from replying in kind.
- The AI is able to generate units and armies out of thin air, but I guess that's my fault for playing on hard difficulty. It would be more enjoyable if the AI was instead smarter, rather than cheating at that level [Balance]
Публикувана 14 декември 2023. Последно редактирана 14 декември 2023.
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1.1 изиграни часа (1.0 часа по време на рецензията)
A very immersive experience, I highly recommend
Публикувана 1 юли 2023.
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