Timp de joc în ultimele 2 săptămâni:

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2 din 54 (4%) realizări obținute:
Realizări personale

Trick bag

You've found the legendary teleportation devices of Rivellon!
Obținută la 19 ian. la 17:21

Suspicious minds

You've found your primary suspect.
Obținută la 19 ian. la 16:53

The mind is a terrible thing to test

You passed the test! Well, one of many.

Forged in fire

And water. And air. And earth.

Feeble screams from forests unknown

You have safely entered Phantom Forest.

Sleeping village

You made it into Hunter's Edge.

Push it

You pushed this one button we wanted you to push. Congratulations!

Grande finale

You have totally, completely, and utterly finished the game.

Never Say Die

You finished the game in honour mode.

Kill With Power

You finished the game in tactician mode.

King Crab

You have entered the Gnik Barc Nni.

You've Got That Something Special

Learn all the skills of one skill tree.


Finish the game with the Lone Wolf trait.

Memory Motel

You've found a silky souvenir.

40 realizări ascunse rămase

Detaliile realizărilor vor fi dezvăluite odată cu deblocarea acestora.