Edgar Robles
For the GOOOOAAAAATTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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His blood thirsty ways blinded him when he found out that a scout was the source of the problem. Stegmolak made his way to the AFK scout via rocket jumping methods, and landed a critical hit upon the scout using his shovel in mid air combat. The scout who came back from AFK found himself on the ground bleeding as his murder will beat him without ant sense what so ever.The brutal mauling stopped once the scout lost his life. This had stunned players across the globe in the gaming community of TeamFortress 2, later as a result, bringing upon the petition to ban players like Stegmolak who is currently found guilty in his defense.
Before this peaceful tranquility, Stegmolak had proven to be a dangerous rocket soldier upon the field. Using his weapons: A rusty bot killer rocket launcher and a shovel, he was able to commit miraculous achievements (i.e. rocket jumping, rocket jumping kills, wall jumping, rocket jumping mechanics, etc). Stegmolak is known as the duke of rocket jumping mechanics, but his reputation didn't last long. As soon as the tranquility was held, Stegmolak, who claims to be unaware of the situation then, showed signs of extreme aggressive behavior in reaction towards the peace.
Petition To Ban Stegmolak From TeamFortress 2

Conducted lethal action against against an AFK Scout. This incident took place where the scout was having lag issues in Backwater Server, the scout notified every via chat and voice chat he'll go AFK for about ten seconds, and seconds afterwards the match stopped to wait for his return. Everyone in the match had stopped the bloodshed of allies and enemies just for one scout that may have or may have not been an ally, truly this was an outstanding moment by itself. However, all but one remained on in the peaceful tranquility, that person is known as Stegmolak.