4 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
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張貼於:7 月 7 日 上午 3:04

I really like the concept and the look of the game, but there are a few things that would make the game better to a point i would recommend it.

-there needs to be more content, right now there are not enough tracks and playmodes

-the customization is good though i find it sad that you cant change the color of the parts, would make it more individuell

-the screen moves to much while you drive, you may get dizzy from it

Things that i like are:

-the concept (it is barely touched upon and is in need of a good game)
-the combat system (items/weapons), im not sure though if its balanced enough.

-the looks of the cars and the world

Keep it up and i believe this could be a good game once it is released.

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