Nessuna informazione.
mike.xulima 14 mar, ore 8:42 
Even if stayed as-is, it would be worth it to pick it up if they ever put it at a good discount on sale. But sure, bug me whenever you like :steamhappy:
Lampros 13 mar, ore 19:58 
Ah, okay. So probably at least a year away. At that juncture, I doubt I'd buy. But I will keep my eye on it and bug you once in a while for a progress report! ;0
mike.xulima 13 mar, ore 18:32 
It's playable and fun now, but I think it's maybe 20-25% released. You can only get to level 4, only have access to one piece of the overall world map, and some classes/races aren't done yet.

Seems like it's getting worked on enough though to give me hope it will get finished nicely.
Lampros 13 mar, ore 16:27 
Hey, friend. How close is Archaelund to full release? I've been burned in EA too many times to buy an EA title, unless it's very close to release and playable.
Lampros 14 nov 2019, ore 5:06 
Yup. I've had it wishlisted for like a year! ;)
mike.xulima 14 nov 2019, ore 4:57 
Have you noticed this one yet? Hope they release it soon:
