Paul Allen
Jean Claude van Damme   Florence, Toscana, Italy
ALLEN (to Bateman): Hello, Halberstam. Nice tie. How the hell are you?

BATEMAN (V.O.): Allen has mistaken me for this d*ckhead Marcus Halberstam. It seems logical because Marcus also works at P&P and in fact does the same exact thing I do and he also has a penchant for Valentino suits and Oliver Peoples glasses. Marcus and I even go to the same barber, although I have a slightly better haircut.
During this voiceover the CAMERA WANDERS over to MARCUS HALBERSTAM, who is conferring with a colleague in the opposite corner of the room. He bears a superficial resemblance to Bateman.

ALLEN: How's the Ransom account going, Marcus?

BATEMAN (nervous): It''s...all right.

ALLEN: Really? That's interesting.

He stares at Bateman, smiling

ALLEN: Not great?

BATEMAN: Oh well, you know.

OWEN: And how's Cecilia? She's a great girl.

BATEMAN: Oh yes. I'm very lucky.

McDermott and Price enter.

McDERMOTT: Hey. Allen! Congratulations on the Fisher account.

ALLEN: Thank you, Baxter.

BRYCE: Listen, Paul. Squash?

ALLEN: Call me.

Hands him a business card

PRICE: How about Friday?

OWEN: No can do. I got an eight-thirty res at Dorsia. Great sea urchin ceviche.

There is a stunned silence as he walks away and sits in a corner of the room, ostentatiously studying papers.

CLOSE-UP on Bateman's face, cold with hatred.

PRICE (whispering): Jesus. Dorsia? On a Friday night? How'd he swing that?

McDERMOTT (whispering): I think he's lying.
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Витрина редчайших достижений
Pril 29 мая. 2023 г. в 13:18 
1. Du bist im Internet

2. Du bist bei Steam

3. Du liest grad

5. Du hast nicht bemerkt das 4. fehlt..

6. Du kontrollierst es grade...

7. Du lachst

und noch was...

Es gibt genau 6 wahrheiten
in deinem Leben:

1. Du kannst nicht alle deine Zähne
mit deiner Zunge berühren!!!

2. Du bist ein Idiot, weil du Wahrheit 1.
auf die Probe gestellt hast.

3. Wahrheit 1 ist eine Lüge.

4. Jetzt lächelst du,
weil du ein Idiot bist :-)

5. Du wirst das bald an einen anderen
Idioten schicken.

6. Du lächelst immer noch,
weil du dich freust,
dass der nächste genauso blöd sein wird,
wie DU...;-)
Paul Allen 29 апр. 2020 г. в 4:13 
well this aged well...
Andreas Hoeber 4 янв. 2015 г. в 7:40 
las mal go zsm zocken :)