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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries
some like SOF thing tier 1 or watever
Collection by original afghan skunk
notices: - mostly replaces security things, but there is some new insurgent stuff too - the sandstorm stuff has the weird new shaders - only sound mod effects gun sounds - mostly based off of western SOF teams
jesus christ please help oh god
Collection by original afghan skunk
EFT cant run on my damn computer
Collection by original afghan skunk
loosely based off of EFT with most of the guns i can replace, replaced, some quaility of life improvements are added in, but they are purely optional, you will know it when you see it. I kept some stock models and weapons so that you dont forget what game
Nato vs. rusfor insurgency wtf its milsim west
Collection by original afghan skunk
No too autistic, but its autistic alright
Collection by original afghan skunk
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