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Neue Rezensionen von LavenderLady

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3 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
4.7 Std. insgesamt
Hi! This was.. A very interesting game that kept me at the edge of my seat and eyes glued to the screen anticipating what's next! As it does say though, it definately ain't for the faint of heart ^^; Holy crap did it have me shaking, not knowing what was next, putting the pieces together, watching the disturbing scenes with a mix of suprise and terror. I loved it! :D It's not jumpscare heavy, which I'm always greatful for, and when it did there was a lotta buildup and time inbetween them to actually make it scary. A perfect game to play on Halloween! ^u^b 10/10 I may even return to this game one day.. I'm impressed by all the work and heart put into this, thank you for giving me this expirence for it is one I likely won't ever forget~!
Verfasst am 31. Oktober 2017.
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