Gelula Dracula [K.G.III]
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Lucius Iulius Balbus 16 Jul, 2015 @ 4:14am 
he does not like to be enclosed. He is a good man but a strong fanatic. Dividing his army we become stupids. One way to defeat him during a battle is attack the KG3, his group, and then say no problem to him..... Another way consist of using his strategy to beat him and Hussard. He use always England but now he doesn t have more than 5 stars in empire. simple to beat with this description
Lucius Iulius Balbus 15 Jul, 2015 @ 11:43am 
He always play with me
Lucius Iulius Balbus 15 Jul, 2015 @ 11:42am 
Be careful this guy knows how to use light dragons. His strategy is divide his army and attack the enemy
hes awesome but whenever we play etw he has caps on lol
Lucius Iulius Balbus 3 Jul, 2015 @ 6:33am 
be careful this guy plays always Empire. He is not a dastard
Lucius Iulius Balbus 22 Jun, 2015 @ 3:09am 