vincent   Florida, United States

Momenteel offline
Vintron 12 nov 2014 om 14:57 
cant we talk about this on the chat when we are both online
Boss Sneed 4 nov 2014 om 13:51 
so how is IB going?
Vintron 4 nov 2014 om 2:38 
yea id rather not
Boss Sneed 20 okt 2014 om 6:52 
oh no vincent
I embrace my standing as a nerd, I culitivate it, it enables meh to conquer the unwitting masses.
join us vinny.......join us..................
Vintron 19 okt 2014 om 7:53 
you call me a nerd, read what i just wrote, u just gave nerd a whole new meaning my god nick
Boss Sneed 14 okt 2014 om 19:18 
you deny your honor as a nerd?
This is Blastphomy
- Nicolia Juilis Constantine the 27th, regent of Petropolis, defeater of the Venetian Crusaders and Sub-Marshall of the Hospilliters. 'maxime retunsus, maxime taeda'