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0.0 hrs on record
it is literally 3 dollars, at that point just take it along side the game XD
Posted 1 September, 2023.
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1.4 hrs on record
the game is way too bugged and from what i have seen from the steam discussion it is abandonned, don't buy this game
Posted 30 July, 2023.
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729.2 hrs on record (413.2 hrs at review time)
good game, i want more waifu warframe but other than that it's pretty good

the grind ain't that bad once you know what you are doing
Posted 17 June, 2023.
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30.0 hrs on record
pretty good roguelike i haven't exploited it to it's full extent but i feel like i can do a decent review with my personal pro and cons

tldr for those who just want to know if the game is good :
i give it a good 16/20 for the price/quality of the game, great game if you into game like Slay the spire, and the deck building is amazing.

big review now


- banger soundtrack; seriously i don't think they were a single music i felt that was out of place, they are calm music for the world map moment as well as for the various events that are really fitting, i was fully immersed and felt like the road ahead was going to be full of enemies, the combat music is simply magestic, and i know it's cringe to say epic, but it was ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ epic and as i said no music were out of place.

- the deck building : so the deck building aspect is really nice, there is not really any "useless" cards, even the seemingly week cards have ways to become really good with some upgrades , and the big cards hohoho let just say the term "god run" never were so true, then again considering the difficulty it is needed (i'll come back to the difficulty later)

- the theming and storytelling : so ! spoiler ahead skip if you don't wanna be spoiled the little story that game has, the premices is that you are the last champion of hell in pocession of a hell spark that is the only thing that can reingnit the heart of hell to rally the forces of hell, and the heaven's forces are trying to stop you, so there is a religious theming but the nice thing about it is that it doesn't shove any real life religion, i think it is christianity themed a bit with some cross here and there but not much more and the hell forces is what you'll be staring at most of your playthroughs and those are there own can of worm.

- the difficulty : i think this game had the "slay the spire" treatement for it's difficulty, at first the game isn't that brutal, but it doesn't take you hands either, the early fight can DEFINITIVALY kill you if you don't know what you are doing, and even if you know what you are doing don't get cocky by taking in the extra challenge of the optional difficulties.
side note : there are at the the start of each non-boss battle a choice to accept extra challenge to get additional rewards, those are buffs that the heaven forces will recieve, those range to a simple stat boost all the way to making them immortal if you don't kill them in a single turn.
anyway the jix of it is that, the difficulty is high and progressive but it's not unfair.

- the replayability : kinda of both a pros and a con, i'll talk to the pros here and the con after, the replayability mainly reside in the different faction of hell, in the base game there is 4 faction, 5 if you buy the DLC (it's worth it but wait for a sale i'd say it mainly add post endgame content) and there is a progression bar to unlock more and more cards and items that will help you in your runs, there is about 10 level if i remember correctly making it 40 level to grind (50 with dlc) to go and grind, when you launch a run you need to take 2 faction (one that will give you a "hero" and will make the majority of your deck and a supporting one that give diversity to your deck) the main faction will get 100% of xp and the supporting faction only get's half of that, but at least you'll always be progressing to 2 factions at the same time, so the grind isn't that bad, and you'll only have those 2 available at first anyway so it mainly act as a progression curve than anything else.

- the price is pretty good for what i consider a game you'll take a long time to beat, it's a roguelike after all if it wasn't hard you'd beat it too quickly XD

now on to the cons:

-the difficulty : i know i mentionned it in the pros but i also need to mention a few personal cons that i have with it, the game ISN'T beatable on at least the first 10 runs unless you gets REALLY lucky and that can seem unfair for some, the game just doesn't give you all your tools right at the start, it is both a progression curve but also a blattant "we put it like that so you can't beat our game in 2 hours" type of roadblock, and i REALLY recomand that you wait before at least winning 1 or 2 runs fully (by that i mean just beating the game) before buying the DLC, the DLC take the difficulty and crank it up to 10, it is a end game dlc and only for those who know how to play that game, you will die again and again until you manage to unlock a few cards and items and learn how to play your deck (duh but each faction play VERY differently, it's not a simple reskin they are wildly different)

- the pace is a bit slow to my liking but that is a personal complaint, i have sinked about 30 hours in that game and i have all the content unlocked (as for the deck i mean) i haven't 100% the game far from it i can't manage to beat the dlc's content ^^'

- it is a bit repeptitive, i know it is stupid to complain about such thing but if you aren't into the slay the spire kind of game you will get bored quickly from doing runs again and again (i didn't but you maybe will)

other than that i can't really think of anything else bad, maybe the art style isn't for everyone but i didn't found any problem with it.

but overall it is a very good game if you are into deck building roguelike i give it a 16/20, the cons are only there because no game is perfect, i would have give it a 18/20 if the DLC wasn't so hard
Posted 4 May, 2023.
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3.5 hrs on record (2.3 hrs at review time)
j'adore ce jeu, il me fait beaucoup pensez à un zelda twilight princess et j'adore ça, si vous êtes un fan de zelda vous adorerez ce jeu, faut faire attention par contre car les contrôles sont un tout peut-y peu pas intuitif mais après une bonne heure de jeu on s'y fait rapidement.

je recommande ^^
Posted 29 December, 2022.
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120.3 hrs on record (60.4 hrs at review time)
ok the game is fixed, the story is actually pretty good and the gameplay is alright.

i like the new rpg system and the difficulty has been rebalanced so everything is fine.

not worth 60 buck tho, buy it at a sale.
Posted 14 November, 2022. Last edited 26 February, 2024.
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385.3 hrs on record (74.2 hrs at review time)
maintenant que Imortal empire est sortie je peux review le jeu.
meilleur jeu 2022.
voilà c'est tous pour moi, achète le jeu, achète les 500 € de DLC et tue des elfes parce qu'il ne mérite que ça de toute façon ^^
Posted 30 August, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
8.8 hrs on record (4.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
the game is filled with kids, if you're a adult and you wanna have fun in a game where you can play as a hot avatar, just go play second life it's still better than this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, plus i heard they are killing the modders business.
Posted 22 August, 2022.
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1.9 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
4 € masterpeice to be honest with you guys,
if you liked the first one, you'll love this one !

defenetivly worth the money it ask (honestly it could have asked for more i still would have bought it)
Posted 20 October, 2021.
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129.0 hrs on record (93.3 hrs at review time)
j'aime bien ce jeu. un peu...TRES GRINDY ! mais il est cool.

it's a good game. VERY GRINDY but it's cool.
Posted 12 September, 2021.
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