California, United States
Microwaves do not penetrate large solid masses of food. Slicing and arranging food in a circle greatly improves uniformity of heating. Use 50% power setting to further reduce local hot- and cold-spots.
Microwaves heat water; wrap a moist cloth around dried-out baked goods or frozen food. Rinsing frozen food also restores moisture evaporated by excessive "frost-free" refrigeration cycles.
Positive humor is a product of diverse cultural knowledge. A common context is necessary to be funny to other people without relying upon toxic social infrastructure such as schadenfreude and gossip.

Behold my craft, mortal: A pun. A phrase that makes both sense and nonsense. Perhaps hidden in a brief anecdote. Do you so groan and roll your eyes at an ode or sonnet?

The dark side of rolling my own humor is having to experiment with a whole lot of not-funny stuff. I suffer through thousands of nonsense jokes that don't work to find even one gem of wordplay. Then I must understand and avoid the multiplying taboos and psychic wounds of our time to avoid being digitally lynched. *ERUCTATION* And... I still love it.
I endorse taking the risk of being kind to strangers. Yes, some will turn out to be awful. But there are more people out there than we can ever meet, and many of them are kindred spirits sharing our interests, beliefs, and preferences. Keep looking.

I am not saying to burn down your relationships. Fulfilling all your needs, all the time, is a lot of pressure to put on a single relationship or job. Friends help.

It helps to be honest with one's self about one's goals.
Seeking an intellectual equal and soul-mate, or a few minutes in the back of a van. To yell obscenities at people while locked in battle, or gush about the new movie while grinding for loot...
Then one is always more pleased when one receives Precisely what they Request.

One can very much influence their odds by LOOKING ELSEWHERE! Different folks go to shady bars on weeknights than those who take evening classes (cooking, dancing, and art are particularly co-ed).

INFATUATION CAUTION: Positive attention may feel overwhelmingly compelling to people who have not experienced it for a prolonged period. DO NOT marry the first person to make eye contact. Opposites attract, but long term requires common ground.

While protection against disease certainly exists, please also consider that eagerly lonely people exist in a wide variety of intellectual styles, social needs, and libido involvement. They're just not right there, right then.
Ink control requires practice. Practice is filling up pages with doodles. I used a T-40 holder and G-type or Spoon-type nibs until I discovered fountain pens.
Fountain pens are made for tinkering. Multi-packs of cheap fountain pens provide a useful supply of identical parts. Ultra-fine nibs and the ultra-wet fude calligraphy nibs give fountain pens amazing range.
Leak-prone user-fillable ink ‘converters' hold far less ink than the disposable pre-filled cartridges. Washing and refilling OEM carts with blunt syringes is about the convenience of capacity rather than thrift.
Ball-point pens cannot make lines wider than the radius of the ball. Motions of the ball against paper pumps ink out. Fluctuations in motion vary line thickness, giving work a distinctive scratchy appearance.
Never use as much plant food as the directions say. Don't bother with expensive nutrients and exotic seeds until light, heat, and moisture are correct.
Catnip (nepeta cataria ) produces its feline attractant on trichromes. Succulents are notably hard to kill. Ornamental flowers bring pollinators to the unlikeliest garden.
Transplanting ("cloning") sick plants to uncontaminated potting soil solves many problems.