Şahin Şimşek   Izmir, Turkey
Call Of Duty 1-2-MW-WAW-MW2-BO-MW3-BO2-Ghosts-AW-BO3-IW,Battlefield BC2-3-4-Hardline-1,Far Cry 1-2-3-4-Primal-5,Crysis 1-Warhead-2-3,Medal Of Honor AA-PA-Airborne-2010-Warfighter,Call Of Juarez Bound in Blood-The Cartel-Gunslinger,Sniper Ghost Warrior 1-2-3,Sniper Elite V2-3-4,Deus Ex Human Revolution,Dishonored,Assassin’s Creed 2-Brotherhood-Revelations-3-Black Flag-Rogue-Unity-Syndicate,Bioshock Infinite,Brothers in Arms Hell’s Highway,Hitman Absolution,Tomb Raider-Rise of Tomb Raider,Thief,The Darkness2,Homefront 1-The Revolution,Battle Los Angeles,Max Payne3,GTA4-Episode From Liberty City-5,Mafia2,Half Life 1-2,Spec Ops The Line,Just Cause 2-3,Metro 2033-The Last Light,Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Future Soldier,Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Conviction-Blacklist,Wolfenstein The New Order-The Old Blood,Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes,Dirt 2,Stronghold Crusader,Saint’s Row The Third-4-GOOH,Sleeping Dogs,Watch Dogs 1-2,Mass Effect2-3,Fallout 4,Quantum Break,Titanfall 2,Batman Arkham City-Origins-Knight,Prototype 2,DMC Devil May Cry,Injustice GAU,The Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor,Destiny 2,Ryse Son of Rome,The Witcher 1-2-3,Life is Strange,Tom Clancy’s The Division 1-2,Mad Max,Enemy Front,RAGE,Beyond Two Souls,Mutant Year Zero RTE,Borderlands 2,Shadow Tactics BOS,Detroit Become Human,Potentia are finished 👍😉
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