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5.7 hrs on record
Abrix 2 Gold Version
It's a Sokoban game, where you as a robot pushes crates and pair them in 2 to make them vanish, instead of the classic Sokoban where the crates have designated locations.

Thumbs up
There are many levels, so plenty of gameplay. There are a 3 star earning system on every level to add some competition and replay value, and the levels get quite tough and interesting at lvl. 30-31, but before that they are kinda boring and repetitive.

The movement system is the biggest update, the controls were very chunky and lagging which resulted in many players falling into holes or moving a box somewhere not intended. Not it's smooth.

You can complete the levels without buying helping items ingame.

Doesn't differ much from the other versions, but I'd say it's a tad better than the other two.

Thumb Down
Price; I don't mind the dev adding microtransactions to earn a little, especially since players don't need to spend money ingame to beat the levels.
However at a starting price of 9.99 £ this game is in my eyes overpriced compared to what you get.

There's a limit of steps the robot can move, you can buy more steps with candy, which you can earn or buy with real money.
I find the limiting of steps a really bad idea, as it limits the amount of trial and error of approaches to the puzzles.

Levels could be much more thought through, it's close to the same level as the kids version. Only a few levels past 30 were enjoyable.

The music is not recommended to listen to for too long.

Finishing Comments
It's not a complex game, it could very well be a mobile game. Most of the levels were boring, but there are a few good ones, but not worth the price - Would be okay if you got all 3 of the games included -
The dev responded to my review of the Abrix for kids; and I take the major update as the dev listening to the complaints and advice of us players. I respect that, and I therefore give a thumbs up.
But give it some thought before you spend 10€ on it.
Posted 1 January, 2021.
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4.0 hrs on record
A maze game that still fall short of the amazing title.

Thumbs up
The mazes are bigger and more difficult.
I also think the dev had enough of Squares, or looked too long on his screen, because every maze is now round or hexagon.
Modern, in, original, I like it.

Thumbs Down
That about does it for the positive things. While the game is still cheap it also kept the annoying things.

It was bad controls before, but it's gotten worse with the round theme.
You can still only move in a 90 degree angle, which has become more frustrating with 45 degree turns.
The distance you move is also a fixed tap distance, even as the mazes grow bigger, you move the same length; easily missing where you want to go.

Is relaxing, but very short and repetitive to the brink where it gets annoying. Imagine being stuck on a merry-go-round for eternity in hell.
At least you can mute it.

Closing Comments

Get it for cheap, get it for cheevs.
Get it for better and more challenging mazes.
But at your own risk, I've warned you!
Posted 24 May, 2020.
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2.7 hrs on record
They Breathe
Is quite the creative experience.
You play as a frog diving deep into the horrors of a dark lake.
You'll have to capture oxygen bubbles and avoid predators, and we all know nature can be quite brutal; however the creatures in this lake took evolution to a much creepier stage.

Thumbs Up
Worth the money
It's a short game, yet quite challenging. I got this game for 50 cent, but the full price is still worth the playtime and experience you'll get in return.

The game is quite eerie because of the dark water, the fitting creeping music and the art. All fits well together.

The devs are very responding and made a thread for bug reports and advice.
No bugs were encountered, however enemies or the frog might get pushed out of the screen and then you can only hope you'll escape.
Also some achievements first popped up after I exited the game.

Thumbs Down
Little replay value once completed, as you know the plot-twist and the enemies are easy to counter once you know them.

Closing Comments
The game takes 20-30 minutes to complete. Many of the achievements require a handful of replays to unlock them all. I'm competitive, so it was still fun and provided almost 3 hours of challenge, but it's not the same for everyone.
Posted 24 May, 2020.
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3.3 hrs on record
Her story
It's quite an unique game.
You're a detective searching for and watching small clips of different interviews and then have to sort out the true story behind them.
It's tricky since you can't ask questions, the clips are jumbled up with twists and turns, and you can only search for keywords. This game takes you through an intriguing maze.

Thumbs Up
The game is great because of the actor, her storytelling and narration. She bring the other characters and the story to life.

The gameplay is simple, you can search for keywords and watch clips, but your brain will be very active to make heads and tails of it all. I suggest having a pen and some paper to organise the clues, it also makes the experience much more emerging.

Even when all pieces are put together the conclusion depends on your subjective interpretation as the gamer since you only got her story.

Thumbs Down
Short game
Depending on how fast you are to figure out the keywords or piece it together. It can be done in a few hours.

Little replay value
Since you'll know the story and keywords after one play through.

The price
It has been many years since I got it, I wouldn't pay 8 Euro for it now, since it's a short game you might only enjoy once. I also became stingy.

Closing Comments
There's a reason the game got so many awards.
Of course this might not be your genre preference, however it is an unique experience of a game for those who dare give it a try.

Posted 14 May, 2020.
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11.1 hrs on record
Abzu is a mesmerising exploration game under water where you explore ocean caves, underwater ruins from a lost civilization and beautiful ecosystems. You can really tell this game is from the same art-director of Journey.
This game takes you on a very relaxing dream-like journey on a jet stream, with beautiful orchestral music and amazing atmosphere.

Thumbs Up

Many things come together to make this game a masterpiece, one of the key elements however is how the sea-creatures move. The fishes and sea life really seem alive the way they move; apart from the texture.
Every creature also have a name attached, so you can even learn while diving.

Some of the most relaxing and beautiful music in game, but you can always toggle it off if you really must.

The story is mostly about restoring the life and ecosystem from a damaged state to a flourishing ecosystem. You even get to hatch turtle eggs and such. I hope it raises some questions and awareness of the environmental problems we have or may have.

Easy achievements, you just need to explore every thing, which is a delight in this environment.
Also got steam cards.

It got whales, manatees and dolphins, what's not to love.

Thumbs Down

The story line is very short unfortunately, you could rush through it in a couple of hours.
The price of 20 Euro then seems a bit much for this little gameplay. Get it on discount.

It took a little to get used to the controls and how to navigate on pc, as it initially seems to be intended for a controller.

Closing Comments
This game is a piece of art.
The scenery have been the main focus in this game, the story line could be longer and emerging, however I wouldn't say it's needed. For this game you should just drift along the stream, enjoy the music and let yourself be absorbed in the surroundings.
It's about the journey, not the destination.
Posted 12 May, 2020.
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3 people found this review helpful
7.1 hrs on record
Cooking Witch
You fly down from the sky on your trusty Nimbus2000 broom to snatch happy kids and cook them in a boiling pot; which then will spew out kidmeat.
Your only concerns are shotgun wielding dads, firework and the break of dawn.

Thumbs Up
Who doesn't love cooking virtual kids and black magic?
The game has 40 achievements and the level never really ends unless you die. Plenty of potential game time for everyone. Try and beat the global top 10 highscore!

It's cheap, 1.99 Euro, got it on discount even.

You can toggle the graphic ingame with Q

Thumbs Down
The game gets very repetitive, the kids or dads don't get any upgrades and the difficulty doesn't change either.

You can only complete 3 missions at a time (40 in total) so you'll have to play 14 times at least to get every upgrade and achievement.

You can't toggle the sound or turn the music off it seems.

Closing comments
It's a nice small and cheap game to kill some time with, but sadly you can't get a black cat companion.
Posted 10 May, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
3.4 hrs on record
It's a maze game, however not an amazing game.
You have to navigate a ball through a maze, simple.

Thumbs up
50 levels divided in 3 difficulties; easy, normal and hard which determines the size. Big and hard is always a thumb up, right?

You can switch between using arrow keys or WASD.

Easy 100% achievement - Takes about 30-60 minutes to complete the game.

Includes trading cards

Pretty cheap - 0,99£ base price and often on sale for over 50%

Thumbs Down
Controls are too sensitive, a very quick tap will move the ball 1 cm, however you might need to only move a half, this is really bad in a T-road where you keep going too far back & forth.

The background is made of different shining colors, but was so bright it was hard on the eyes. Personal opinion.

The soundtrack is very short and loopy; and I imagine it gets annoying for most; but you can turn it off so no big complain. Not like when you're stuck in an elevator.

There is no windowed mode option. (This is the most negative, since the mazes were so simple I really needed some other entertainment meanwhile for me not to get bored, and I usually watch stuff while gaming).

Closing Comments
The mazes were too simple they got boring, even the hardest puzzles only had 2-3 branches and it was easy or lucky to pick the right one right off.
The controls were also really frustrating at times.

The good part of the game was when I played it with my small niece, since I don't have many other games for kids I could entertain her with; but I don't recommend this for adults unless you really need a relaxing 45 minutes. (45 minutes nap prefered)
Posted 12 August, 2018. Last edited 12 August, 2018.
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3.1 hrs on record
Pain Train
I actually thought this was a serious zombie game I could replace Killing Floor with.. I should really look closer on the games' store page before installing them.

This is an achievement hunter game; however it's one of the more enjoyable of its kind.

The Good
Most would buy this game in ignorance of what it is, or because it includes 590 achievements for 0,99£ which you can get in a couple of hours. 1 achievement for every zombie you kill.

Includes 4 different guns WAUW, amazing selection eh?!

Trading cards - even a whopping 10 of them which sells for 0,03-0,04 atm.

Gets on discount for less than 0,99£ sometimes O.O'

The Bad
This was made with unity; and though you can find decent games made with this program experience tells me to be wary. Many on the forum (not me though) have problems launching the game, or it crashes on pressing the play button due to either the game not being compatible with a 32 bit OS or memory/RAM leak.
- They don't know for sure. -

Another bug lies in the animation as crawling zombies will stand up for a second when killed.. I mean, why, how, what??
Speaking of the animation.. The enemies looks like cardboard drawings cut out and glued to sticks; controlled by a puppeteer..
In other words - the animation is more stiff than my peni*.. pen.. Yes, pen, a non-bendable object.

Repeating gameplay
The map will not change through the 12 levels, but there will be added more zombie spawn points and boss charging pillers to destroy to kill the boss. The boss doesn’t change either; so it is really repeating through the 12 levels.
- But we play for blood, mass slaughter and trains - and the game offers plenty of that, rinse and repeat.

The ugly
The ugly truth is that these kind of poorly made chunky games with the only purpose of distributing 500+ achievements, and giving away hundreds of thousands of keys for absolute feces games, just so they can draw profit from the card farming; are probably here to stay; although steam made an effort to clean up some of the spam asset flip games (thinking about Zonitron Productions).

I can't say if Virtual Top is a shady developer as I've only played 2 of this devs' games; but be aware. He seemed active on the forum in Jan 2017 trying to fix the start up crashing.
The game also provide much more gameplay than many other achievement hunter games I've played. However this is still not a "good game", but half-assed and thus
I won't recommend it.
But what do people expect for 0,99£?

Closing Comments
Also; not to be a hypocrite: I hoard cheap games, farm steam cards and the booster packs and cards I gain ptovides me with more 0,99£ games. So it's not like i'm entirely against these games, they're just often bugged and poorly made.
Posted 15 July, 2018. Last edited 15 July, 2018.
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10 people found this review helpful
8.3 hrs on record
1954 Alcatraz
If you're going to San Francisco
Heists, Prison breaks and love affairs
If you're going to San Francisco
You're gonna meet some gentle people there
- Thank you Scott McKenzie

Joe is serving 40 years for a heist on an armored truck, he claims the money burned up in the vehicle, but it's hidden out there hunted by gangsters, corrupt police officers and probably a confused pirate looking for booty, aye.
They threaten Christine for clues, and she must fight to save her life, marriage or future as filthy rich, while Joe tries to escape the prison island where only 5 might have escaped during its' 29 years of operation - Your everyday problems.
This point & click is unique since you swap between these 2 characters. Makes the game dynamic, yet it's really slow paced.

Thumbs Up
Beat Generation
This game tries to soak in the atmosphere and ideas of the beat generation, a group of American post II World War and the cultural phenomena they inspired.
Central elements of "Beat" culture included rejection of received standards, innovations in style, experimentation with drugs, alternative sexualities.
- What that mean is:
  • Smooth jazzy soundtrack
  • "I can dig it" attitude
  • Vulgar lingo with abundent sexual references

    Voice acting is quite fitting to the characters. Christines' voice is racy, while Joe has a "young whiskey voice".
    You learn more and more about Joe, Christine and their circle of aquintances as you advance in the story. They both recall memories as they progress in the story, and the story forces you to make a final decision for the characters' future.

    The Story
    A prison break attempt, lovers seperated in the most cruel way, the most foul secrets and a fight for your life against time, thugs and crazy artists. This story has potential.
    - Now, since it's a point & click and the main characters reflect on the things you, as the player, click on, it's up to you how many details you will collect about Christine and Joe; and how you put it together. Nonetheless the base story does a fine job keeping it interesting while not being a novel.
    - The story is also linear, so you don't miss anything; except 1 branching path at the end. Although it deminishes the replay value.

    Moody and well drawn. Definetely did a good job on the colouring and shadowing, still with Daedalics' cartoonish style well befitting the time period. Like modern Edward Hoppers paintings.
    Visiting nightclubs, theatres, art galleries, poetry clubs and bookstores.

    You can also play the game in black 'n' white.

    Pressing the space bar shows you clickable items, and the item storage and combining is easy to use. I found out since I tried to jump ingame.

    Thumbs Down
    3d models are not the worst, but some part of them or entire characters sometimes don't fit on those beautiful backgrounds. Especially Joes' hair seems undetailed and he should use the loot at his hairdresser, not on play dough.
    The movements also seem a bit chunky, like bad stop motion figures.

    Not sure if they're still broken, but I had to run the game on compatibility mode and as administrator in windowed mode to get the achievements a few years back since they didn't unlock.
    There's also 2 achievements for different endings, so if you don't save you'll have to replay the game - and the story doesn't change.

    Other bugs
    I experienced a few bugs: at one time important items didn't load since I skipped through the dialoque by rapid clicking. The game doesn't like that, but it doesn't have a skip conversation (which is bad if you play the game twice). Other times the game just crashed or stopped loading. - Save early and often.

    I played the game almost through 3 times in total due to bugs, took 8 hours - meaning the story is really short. Good but short, like my penis - It's funny 'cause i'm asian.

    You can definetely find games with much more content for 10£, however the game often has a discount of 90%, same goes for the whole Daedalic Armageddon bundle.

    I do like slow paced games, and the slow pace here contributes to the relaxing game type, the mood and the music. However loading of scenes takes quite a while, a few other reviews pointed out this game only seemed compatible with older computers; but well.. It is the 1950's.

    Closing Comments
    If you can get it on sale and are a fan of point & click games, get this one. It is not the best, but certainly not the worst either. I still remember the story and the characters and felt inspired by this game; although only worth playing once or twice.
    There's a high chance of experiencing bugs, but don't let it stop you.

    Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
    No one wants to be defeated
    Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
    It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
    Just beat it, beat it
    Just beat it, beat it
    Just beat it, beat it
    Just beat it, beat it
    - Michael Jackson
Posted 25 June, 2018. Last edited 25 June, 2018.
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5.0 hrs on record (4.4 hrs at review time)
Abrix for Kids
A Sokoban game where the goal is to clear the maze while maintaining your sanity.
Get the robot from start to the exit on each map while collecting coins and tools such as time extenders, teleports and weapons, while also avoiding enemies.

Thumbs Up
10 worlds with 10 levels each should give plenty of playtime for a kid, since each level require exp to unlock which you get from clearing a level - So you might have to grind levels.

A level creator where you can create your own maps, which is great for getting achievements since they require you to collect x items, walk x steps and kill x enemies. Spam the map with items and grind.. It's not cheating or lazyness, it's optimization.

Achievements and cards: Which I believe most of us are here for.

Thumbs Down
Buggy controls
The controls are laggy or not responsive, sometimes the robot just stops walking no matter how hard you press the keys with a sledgehammer.
I found it really gamebreaking, especially when you get chased by gnomes.

The terible isometric view that makes it hard to see paths, sometimes you walk out in lava or water and die because you couldn't see the water behind a box.

No controller support

The price is really overrated for such a buggy game. There should be better and more educational games for children out there like Left4Dead2 or Skyrim when they're on sale.

Each world focuses on a new thing however it then still gives you 10 closely identical levels, all with an overall repeating gameplay and layout. It's like being stuck in a wormhole, just more buggy, and worms are mostly invertebrates not bugs.
You should slap me for that joke, but it's for kids so nooo violence!

Closing Comments
I really don't recommend this game or the rest of the franchise because of the games unplayability.
If you go for cheevs and cards, get it on heavy sale.

Disclaimer, I don't have kids so I wouldn't know how they really would react to this game. But just no.
Posted 16 June, 2018.
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A developer has responded on 6 Jun, 2019 @ 6:19am (view response)
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