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105 people found this review helpful
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90.0 hrs on record (23.5 hrs at review time)
TL:DR: For ~$20 Play the Campaign it's worth it, but I'm not expecting this game to be live in a year.

I feel like I've played enough hours to give a honest review. Out of the gate I'm going to say this game does not deserve the hate it's has gotten. There is room for legitimate criticism, this definitely is not the greatest game I've ever played, but It's fallen prey to the get on the band wagon/it's cool to hate something train.

I finished the campaign taking my time in about 18hrs, and while it's kind of upsetting to see the JLA go down and get massive disrespect, but I guess that's the point. The story overall is fine for a comic book story line. It is sad that this was Kevin Conroy's last performance, he deserved to go out with a better ending, but that's mortality for you. I did find the lack of regret or solemness from the non Suicide Squad members about loosing these heroes to be a bit weird.. but I guess ARGUS is mostly comprised of anti-Meta mindset folks. Based upon the way he's introduced in this game, Toyman should have been a lot more upset though. I also don't understand why Amanda Waller is such a.. not nice person. She takes her anger out on the Suicide Squad like an abusive *itchy A-Hole sometimes for no reason at all.

However, the biggest issue I have with the story that I really had to go WTF is a particular scene involving Superman.

When Wonder Woman shoves a huge chunk of Green Kryptonite into Superman's chest. I don't care what you are or what kind of DNA mods you have, unless Brainiac relocated his heart into his left butt cheek he should have been dead

The banter between Suicide Squad members is genuinely funny. There are a TON of voice lines recorded for extras as well if you spend some time just poking them for conversation. The gameplay is decent enough, transversal abilities take some time to master, but they are pretty fluid. Graphics are great, especially in upclose shots the skin textures are amazing.

Itemization kind of sucks. There is a ton of gear, but for the most part I'm just picking the biggest number. I found myself pretty quickly ignoring anything not Pink or Red for the most part. This is a big problem for a looter/shooter type of game. I'm sure there is some min/maxing nuance stuff at deep endgame, but so far I just don't see the point of most gear.

I often find myself overwhelmed by all the enemies on screen. It's frantic and not always enjoyable getting smacked around by mobs, sniped from some far off building, and a helicopter shooting freezing bullets at you. Sometimes, there is just too much crap going on to fight smartly or effectively., I'm just kind of shooting and meleeing at random. Maybe this was on purpose as some fights truly feel like you have to fight like you don't care if you die. It's not always fun in this regard, but again it's not the worst thing ever.

The transition to post campaign is confusing. They really need to improve this instead of just giving you a bunch of pop ups. I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing in Elseworlds.

Didn't play, nor do I plan on playing Co-Op so I can't comment on that part of the game.

All in all I think I got my $40 worth. WB and Rocksteady have made a okay game here that got buried under the Hate Train express. I think if they'd stick with it and continue to develop and support the game it'd probably do ok in the long run. But, since they spent so much $ on developing this game, it will probably never break even, let alone make a bazillion dollars. GaaS games are not the Golden Goose that these game companies seem to think they are. It's a pretty small handful of folks who will spend real money on things are dumb as cosmetics. Sadly I think this game is heading towards the Marvel Avengers graveyard in a hurry.

But, even with that said, much like my recommendation for Marvel Avengers, pick it up around $20 and play the campaign for yourself. It is fun and sobering. Ridiculous and serious. It's worth your time.
Posted 7 June. Last edited 7 June.
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117.9 hrs on record (87.2 hrs at review time)
Did you ever wonder what it'd be like to be a single parent, UPS/Fedex employee, and part time Sherpa in a post apocalypic future with ghosts that cause anti-matter annilation explosions if they catch you? Then this is the game for you.

If you've ever wanted to see almost every inch of Norman Reedus many times, then this game is for you.

If you've ever dreamed of Norman Reedus and Guillermo del Toro in the shower together.. this game might be for you.

If you are looking for a weird trademark anime like Hideo Kojima storyline, this game is for you.

If none of that sound fun... this game is not for you.

Summary aside, I was surprised how much I actually enjoyed this game. It sounds really boring and weird on the surface, but overcoming all the obstacles to make deliveries and put people back together was more addicting than I imagined. Maybe I'm a Mule at heart. The graphics are amazing and the gameplay loop really does flow well as you make progress. The times when music is played to various scenes hits really hard.

I do wish it had a mobile music player though. There are a lot of interesting songs on the track, but you only get a few during specific scenes, or if you want to hang out and do nothing in your room. Missed opportunity imo.
Posted 29 April. Last edited 29 April.
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35.3 hrs on record
Star Trek with some Stellaris underpinnings should have been a easy win really. I find the forced diplomacy and confined war time goals to be annoying. When I declare war as a Klingon I'm going to conquer everyone. I'm not trying to set a few war goals and only take those planets. I'm going to roll over your Empire like a dark cloud and snuff out your light. I conquered your planets, took out 95% of your military. Good luck taking anything back from me. Give back honorably conquered lands?! That's some Federation crap right there.

Unfortunately the game was not fleshed out fully. It now sits officially abandoned by Paradox after only a few minor updates. Do not buy this game, there is a pretty good Star Trek mod out there for Stellaris that is in most peoples opinions better.
Posted 9 April.
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58.4 hrs on record
This is one of the most under rated games I've ever played. I went in expecting dude bro biker trash, but what I got is one of the most human post apocalyptic type of games I've ever played. The Last of Us gets a lot of hype, and the story is very human as well, but I feel Days Gone is so much better. Almost all interactions feel believable.

I had zero crashes my entire playthrough. The graphics and detail are amazing. Every car, house, box, it's all well placed and thought out and detailed. Character faces and animations are amazing. Personalities are unique. The weather system and environments are fantastic and feels real. Rain puddles on the ground, snow collects, leaves fall, wind blows. The sound is amazing, when there is a storm the surround effects really make it believable. When a Horde is on your but, the sceeching will raise the hair on your neck. Some of the character lines are delivered a little loudly because it's supposed to be from the back of a motorcycle. It's a bit jarring sometimes, but really it's a minor nitpick.

I don't know what kind of magic Bend Studios managed to get 500+ NPC horde units moving fluidly on screen at the same time chasing you down, but it's unlike any other game I've played. Burning, blowing up, and mowing down Hordes while scrambling for your life is a pretty unique experience.

I really can't say enough good things about this game. The ending leaves a great cliff hanger. It's an absolute shame we'll probably never see a sequel. I've heard Bend Studios is unfortunately working on a live service type of game. I wish they had the freedom to craft another single player story masterpiece like this.

Buy this game and play through the whole story. You will not regret it.
Posted 27 March.
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910.0 hrs on record (78.9 hrs at review time)
I would actually recommend this game if you enjoy a good shooter. The mechanics and gunplay are top notch. The issue is that Bungie has gone at the story with a chainsaw and hatchet ripping huge chunks out and trashing them. I originally started playing on release and have alot more hours that Steam shows. I didn't get to play Destiny 1 since it was Xbox One exclusive, but Destiny 2's original opening with the Red War campaign was awesome and I felt like I got enough of a sense of who the players are to pickup a thread of a story. I took a break after Forsaken which was an amazing story line imo (RIP Cayde-6). I came back recently kind of near the end of Witch Queen only to find they have permanatly trashed all content prior to Shadowkeep. Content I paid for no longer exists. They reset and rewrote the intro under the banner of "Beyond Light" and went F2P with a battle pass system.

The fact that they have permanantly removed very lore relevant paid for content from the game is enough for me to say don't spend a dime on this game. Now they have come out to say they will no longer remove campaign content.. but that doesn't really matter since a large part of the story is now delievered via seasonal content which is removed with every major DLC release.

I have no idea who many of the NPCs are or what the heck is going on with the story. The story is hacked together between seasonal content and main story quest. They way seasonal content works is basically every week they release a new story quest. It usually invovles talking to a NPC then going to the related open world battle area to do some gathering/killing. This is followed up usually by a soloable mission and then some dialogue. The missions and story are usually very well done.

The problem is.. all the previous seasonal content had alot of story related information that is no longer accessable in game. There are several websites and videos that try to lay out the history of Destiny but it's not the same as playing it. I have the season passes for the Witch Queen and have had to circle back (confusingly) to run season 16, 17, and 18 before they go away at the end of Feb with the release of the next major expansion Lightfall. This content is really good, and in a couple months it will be permanantly gone, and I can't help but really feel let down by the other content that I will never get to play.

As a returning or new player, the story experience is just a hot mess of "I have no idea who you are or what I'm doing, but the pew pew is fun I guess." I really wish Bungie would rework Destiny 1, Destiny 2 "vaulted", and old seasonal content back into the game in a soloable format and allow the creation of a "storyline" character to play through linearly. I'd pay (again) just for that experience.

There really is a great story woven here.. but as it stands it's like trying to watch the last hour of Return of the King without having seen any of the other movies. Sure it looks awesome.. but I have no clue wtf is going on or who these little people are.
Posted 20 January, 2023. Last edited 20 January, 2023.
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63.2 hrs on record
Rating 0/10 for realism .. you can't put oil in without the oil pan/bolt and filter in. Everyone does it at least once IRL ;)

Oh CMS, you have always had so much potential, yet you continue to refine the same formula. They've added some new minigames from 2018, but the core remains unchanged, and that's not necessarily bad. The minigames mostly boil down to click here to stop the ticker type games.. not really engaging.

If you enjoyed 2015/2018 this is more of the same with a bit more polish. The cars are greatly detailed, and the components are accurate enough to teach folks a bit about what that doodad or thingymajig is called. There is more than enough to have fun in the base game, I'd only recommend the DLC's if you really enjoy that brand of vehicle, otherwise there is really not much point. The vehicle tuning system is unexplained, and really gives no guidance. The vehicle handling is terrible... so basically just like 2018. The story missions are completely irrelevant. It's just another job with a paragraph of flavor text. You never really get any depth or connections. It's really a missed opportunity imo.

That being said though, all in all It's a great way to click away some time if you enjoy feeling like you took a piece of junk and make it shiny and go vroom!

Some suggestions for improvement:
1. Give a Info button that will give basic information about parts and how they work to further educate folks.
2. Expert mode should allow you to fail a job by missing a part without warning you.
3. Add some tuning tools to the Dyno shop to allow you to tune without over-tuning to ridiculous. Maybe expert mode should allow for blowing out components if you really get crazy.
4. Create an actual story-line, maybe you get signed up to be a mechanic for a a race team, maybe you work with a Baja offroad team, maybe you work on Top Gear like show I don't know.. something more than "I crashed my car fix it." followed by "Oh you did good here's my uncles car, fix it too."
5. Improve the handling or get rid of it the track. It's kind of pointless in it's current state.

The game has a lot more potential.. after this 3rd release, please do more than make it shinier and clickier.
Posted 13 July, 2022. Last edited 13 July, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
14.8 hrs on record
This game.. I wanted to like it, but it's just on the edge of being fun and never quite gets past passably relaxing.

Buying and remodeling houses seems like it should be fun, but the process isn't really rewarding. You can do the bare minimum, or you can go all out and fully furnish the house and it won't make much difference when it comes time to flip it. Using bottom the of line flooring and tiles or the high end appliances doesn't change the value of selling the house appreciably. I mean I guess that kind of reflects reality to some extent, but I'd rather keep that depressing part of reality out of my for game.

The garden dlc doesn't really pay off either. Mowing the grass picking the weeds, folks don't care really unless it's a DLC mission.

The good news is it is pretty actively being developed so that's cool.
If you really really enjoy playing house decorator, then you'll probably enjoy this game. For me, it just didn't really pan out to be that enjoyable.
Posted 18 December, 2021.
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12.3 hrs on record (9.2 hrs at review time)
Written by the originals, voiced by the originals, this is the true Ghostbusters 3. The game is fun, and the actors do a great job capturing the essence quirky characters just as well as they did in the movies. The HD remaster has been very well done bringing graphics up to modern standards. The gameplay is varied enough and can be quite challenging on the hardest difficulty. Keeping track of enemies is a bit difficult at times due to the limited FoV.

I do wish the story tread new ground, but even though it feels like it's been done already, it's still fun.
If you're a fan, this game needs to be part of your collection. It's the last hurrah with the O.G. Ghostbusting gang and it's likely a performance by Harold Ramis you haven't seen.

All in all it's worth your money.
Posted 17 November, 2021.
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11.1 hrs on record (8.1 hrs at review time)
This has been a really fun game. A bit like Warcraft 3, a bit combined with a bit of Endless Legend, add a dash of DoTA, all wrapped up with deep Norse mythology makes for a very enjoyable and well presented game. It is perhaps less active resource gathering, but more unit micromanagement. The narration is just fantastic, the Norwegian accent and proper pronunciation really sells the Norse lore. I'd call it stupendous, but stupendous sounds stupid.

If you enjoy RTS with a good story line and amazing narration, don't hesitate to buy this game.
Posted 12 November, 2021.
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7.2 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
As the name suggests, this is a mechanic mech sim where you take on jobs to take apart, clean, repair, weld, rewire, re-calibrate, paint, and just about everything you can think of on some pretty cool looking mechs. In the end, it's really a cool skin over a bunch of mini games. There is room for improvement, especially in the electronics repair and calibration mini-games but they really stuff a lot into this package. They put a lot of detail into the mechs and how they are put together. I do wish part names made a bit more sense or were a bit more clear. But all in all t's worth a play if you enjoy clicking away time on small puzzles and seeing some neat mechs.
Posted 16 June, 2021.
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