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게시 일시: 2024년 2월 17일 오후 4시 53분

After playing through the game a few times, I'm honestly confused about everyone raving about this game and calling it a 'masterpiece'. It's not a bad game at all. But for some reason, I found that I felt bored often when playing. It just wasn't engaging me the same way that other RE titles do. As insane as it sounds, I had a more entertaining and engaging time with the RE3 remake. Crazy, I know.
I will still recommend this game to people. Everyone seems to love it. I'm the 'odd man out' here. Plus, as I said, it's a very good game. It's not BAD at all. It just wasn't grabbing me like other titles in the series - my favorite being the RE1 and RE2 remakes. Those are my favorites of the RE series. Despite all the acclaim this RE4 remake gets, it's actually my second least favorite of the modern RE games (from RE7 to now). My least favorite would be RE8. Then RE4 remake.

Different strokes for different folks. I prefer the slower-paced, pure survival-horror focus of RE1 and RE2. These more action-focused RE titles don't really do it for me personally. Great games, for sure. But not really my cup o' tea.
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