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Análises recentes de spiritus_vulpes

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106.1 horas registradas (91.3 horas no momento da análise)
So much changed since the last time i picked it up, it feels like a new game, there is so much to try out and to explore. I played for straight 12 hours, i havent even eaten anything. It really pulled me in. although the constant rtg sound will follow me in my nightmares lol
Publicada em 24 de maio de 2021.
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13.9 horas registradas (10.1 horas no momento da análise)
Edit: they did some cleaning up and now i can recommend it

after finishing the game i would recommend it for the Gameplay,
its hard but its very satisfying and has a great ninja feeling, reflecting bullets and slicing enemy up like tomato. story is okay-ish, nothing unexpected but the voice acting is good. the skills and skillsystem are cool too. you can find like 15 or so different swords and some hidden items and voicemails. level design is diversive

BUT: as i noticed in the demo already the movement and some hitboxes are very inconsistant and needs some work still. sometimes you slip through edges on the ground (you can test this in the demo at the part where you first slip through the fan with the boost. the platform right before that lets you fall through, on the outer right edge
when sliding with the pipes sometimes you grab them, sometimes you dont. when wallrunning you sometimes grab near edges and start climbing for no reason. the deathspace when falling is unpredictable as well, some levels you fall forever before respawing sometimes you die nearly instant. the range of the grappling hook also is not the same in every level.
sometimes the animations dont line up with the damagemodel (for example when you destroy the generator the shockwaves on the ground hit you before the effect on the ground reaches you)

would really like to recommend it since its a fun game but as long as its not polished i will stay away from it probably
Publicada em 30 de outubro de 2020. Última edição em 18 de fevereiro de 2021.
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54.8 horas registradas
tldr: right game idea, wrong developer: dont buy.
somewhere in this bug, under layers of layers of payed dlc you can maybe find a game.
when i bought the game it was in early access and pretty buggy. came back after few years to check it out again. nothing changed. Bug report simulator 2019.

Publicada em 9 de junho de 2020.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
13.6 horas registradas
Publicada em 3 de junho de 2014.
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