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0.0 hrs on record
Hey dudes! Put down that Fortnite, League of Legends and Rocket League. Grab a pizza and come on down because this DLC is totally rad!

Seriously though, I never imagined that the game could get any better than it already is. It goes beyond just adding two new characters and a Survival mode, but also some quality of life updates as well. Even a complaint I had in my previous review on the base game was addressed. Although with the new content does come some new concerns. It’s not perfect by any means but I would say it is very close. I felt this way ever since launch and I still feel the same today about a year later but as of right now, this is undoubtedly the best beat em up game I’ve ever played in my life. Not one of the best, but the actual best. This is not a joke. I’ve already gone over the graphics, game play, music (by the way the new tracks by Tee Lopes are also pretty awesome) and such in a previous review so this time I’ll focus on what’s new that I personally experienced.

Quality of Life Updates
Before I get into the meat of the content, I just want to shine some light on the smaller updates. Mainly to the overall game play experience. Simply put, the game play is even more fast paced than it was before due to the fact that a few of the player animations where sped up. Almost everyone’s super animations are now faster so you don’t spend as much time in the animation before you can jump back into the game. Also that moment when you press the super button and the whole screen freezes? That has been reduced as well. Before the update that would usually mess up my evasion timing but now I don’t get messed up as much at all which I am infinitely happy about. Or course we can’t forget about all the added color palettes for all the characters based on all the turtles in history. Some came in a free update while others are in the DLC. Now turning on Doppelgangers in Custom Arcade Mode won’t be so bad.

Also in a previous review, I had a complaint about some character’s taunting animations being too short, therefore allowing certain players to restore their super meter almost instantly. Mostly this was a problem with Raphael players, but now his taunt animation time has been increased ever so slightly. Not enough to make him bad, but also not enough to make him so broken. Not only that but also the range of some supers have been increased! I can’t thank Dotemu enough for fixing this issue. A few other characters with shorter taunt animations have also been slightly adjusted and Donatello and Casey Jones no longer pull charging enemies in while performing their super and accidentally redirect enemies to hit other players. That was another huge problem and it is great that it is no longer an issue. Evading is also a lot smother in the game as well and it’s easier to dodge things than it was before which only adds to the overall fast pace this game strives for and delivers in abundance.

Usagi and Karai
Now as for the two stars of this DLC, Usagi and Karai are both very fun to play as. Both of them have completely different gimmicks from the main cast. Usagi is the only character that can double jump for example and is the only one who can perform air combos. Because of this his move-set revolves around knocking enemies into the air. It’s a really refreshing change of pace. Karai on the other hand has a really neat gimmick. She starts off slower than normal, but the more combos you chain, the more you are rewarded with an overall boost to her running and attack speed. If you can really get a good chain going, she’ll be Naruto running faster than Sonic the Hedgehog before you know it. It is a good thing you cannot run off-screen in this game. Even if you are not a fan of Survival Modes, getting the DLC for these two characters alone is more than worth it.

Survival Mode
This is probably the next biggest thing after the two new characters that the DLC has to offer. A brand new Survival Mode with new enemy types, locations and a new boss waiting for you at the end. It’s always throwing new things your way and you never know what you’ll have to face next. Each enemy has three variants which not only look different, but also are of varying difficulties. All kinds of combinations of bosses you won’t see in the base game are possible as well and you’ll be traveling through so many dimensions corresponding to all the different incarnations of the turtles that it would bring a tear to even the most die hard fan’s eye. When you beat the final boss, you can end Survival Mode there or continue until you’re wiped out for a chance to carve your name into the leader boards! Even if that isn’t your thing, it’s still a lot of fun regardless because it keeps you guessing. Oh, did I forget to mention that you can play as Shredder, Bebop and Rocksteady? Because you can.

Some Concerns
Now as I said in at the beginning of this review, this DLC isn’t perfect. I do have a few concerns about the Survival Mode in particular. As a long time player and lover of this game, I prefer when other players I am playing with do not resort to cheap tactics in order to win. Ever since launch there have been a few ways to not play fair that some people have taken advantage of. Some of which were controllable in Arcade mode after Custom Mode came out. But since Survival Mode does not have a Custom Mode option, those tactics are starting to see a resurgence again. I am of course talking about spamming the taunt feature in order to restore your super meter instantly. There are two ways to restore your super meter, actually playing the game and beating up the bad guys or just walking into a corner and pressing the taunt button. When Custom Mode for Arcade Mode came out, you could turn taunting off completely. But since there is no Custom Survival Mode that is not possible there. Kicking players is not advised in my opinion either because after you finish the first three waves, the session automatically locks itself so no one else can join. So unless you are lucky enough to have a group to host private sessions with all the time there is not much you can do about that.

To make matters even worst though is that there are also some perks you can win as prizes after waves which is a good thing of course. Except for one particular perk that actually helps promote this kind of toxic game play among the player base. It’s called the Teletaunt Perk. What it does is that it not only makes you invincible while taunting, but you also teleport to a random location on the map. Usually very close to enemies so you are in a good spot to instantly use your renewed super meter. So if you keep pressing the taunt button literally nothing can kill you and you can keep using your super over and over again. I really don’t understand why the developers chose to include this perk because all it does is inspire players to play in a more toxic way that is not fun for anyone who is in the same session as them. In all honesty, being able to restore your super meter to full just by taunting should not have been a feature at all in the first place. I think that was and still is the biggest flaw in this game ever since launch. That whole feature and this perk should just be removed completely to strive for a more better game play experience for everyone.

Despite how I feel about that one flaw in the game though, it does not at all deter me from saying that this game is still currently the best beat em up game out there. I have over one thousand hours logged into this thing now and it’s only going to continue to rise as time goes by since I always try to get at least one session in every day. I can’t recommend not only the game itself but also the DLC enough to people. I feel like you would really be doing yourself a disservice by missing out on this amazing game.
Posted 18 September, 2023.
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128.5 hrs on record (56.2 hrs at review time)
Quite frankly, I love UNO. I've loved playing UNO ever since high school days when I was first introduced to the game. But this version of the game is absolute trash. Especially compared to older digital versions like it's PS3 counterpart. In that version not only was there a six player mode that this version lacks, but when making an online lobby, you could start the game with bots while waiting for other players to trickle in whereas in this game, you are stuck in the waiting room until someone waltzes in, only to leave right after the game starts and leave you playing with three bots anyway.

This is the fault of the poor condition of the game and the forced use of Ubisoft Connect. A lot of potential players have been scared away because of the terrible maintenance of the server. Most people have already reported that the game does not work for them at all. So unless you like playing UNO with bots all day, you'll be hard pressed a lot of the time to start your own lobby unless you have friends to play with. I usually have to join others but most people turn on rules that I absolutely despise like the 7-0 rule.

A port of the old PS3 version of this game would have been so much better than this. I am glad that I bought this watered down nonsense when it was on sale. For people thinking about buying this be very careful. There is a chance Ubisoft Connect may do something to ruin your experience as it did for a friend of mine who cannot even connect online anymore even though he used to do so just fine. Did I forget to mention that the server is also extremely laggy? It's a card game for goodness sake. Where is this lag coming from?
Posted 10 August, 2023. Last edited 10 August, 2023.
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15 people found this review helpful
1,582.5 hrs on record (360.9 hrs at review time)
This is going to be my very first review ever written on Steam but I just can’t stay silent about this particular game anymore. I’ve been playing this game almost everyday since launch and I still have not gotten tired of it. Not by a long shot. What can I say other than it’s just a flat out masterpiece. Rarely do I ever get so enthralled in a beat em up game that I play at least one session (most of the time multiple sessions) almost everyday for months. I really only have one major complaint about the game and I’ll get to that. But first I want to point out all of it’s good points.

Game play
The game play is fantastic. Even though I must have beaten the game all the way through over 100 times by now I still don’t get tired of running through the game. One of the biggest draws is of course the 6 player online co-op. If you manage to get into a game with 5 other people it can get really chaotic in the best of ways. Maximum fun for everyone weather it’s with friends or just other players looking for a session. Easily hop in and out of a game with little to no complications from what I’ve seen. Combos are fun to execute and there’s always enough Foot Clan members for everyone to pummel into the ground. Bosses always offer a challenge even with 6 people together. Never a dull moment with this game.

Animation is great to watch. Characters and settings are beautiful and vibrant. Really brings a sense being back in the 80s. This game has some of the most beautiful pixel art I have ever seen in 2022. All characters look and feel completely different from each other no matter what they happen to be doing. Even when they just stand there I’ve never felt like I was looking at a copy/paste of anyone. I never get tired of watching the fights that go on at any point in the game.

Sound and Music
Along with the game play this is another huge draw for this game. The music is just fantastic. Again really brings a sense of going back in time to the 80s when coupled with the animations. Each piece was masterfully created to suit each level and some of them even have lyrics. Tee Lopes really outdid himself with the soundtrack of this game and I’m hard pressed to find another game this year to rival it. I can guarantee you that some of these songs will be stuck in your head for a good long while after you’ve given them a listen.

Switching gears for a second. The voice acting is another thing I have to pay homage to because it’s just great. Everyone sounds almost exactly like they did in the 80s cartoon and there is tons of witty quips and commentary from everyone along the way. As well as a few call back lines from the show and even some of the old TMNT games. I had a blast listening to everyone banter and I’m sure anyone else who gives this game a try will feel the same way.

One Major Complaint
Now I mentioned earlier that I had one big complaint about the game. Keep in mind that this isn’t the fault of the actual game or developers but more of a community problem. But it’s a major one for me personally. That problem being the one particular hot headed turtle we all know as Raphael. It does me no joy to talk ill of Raph because he is my favorite turtle but I very much feel this should be addressed as it has easily ruined many sessions for me over the months I’ve been playing this game.

It’s no surprise that there is at least one overpowered character in beat em up games that can pretty much whip through the entire game with very little button work on the player’s part. That honor in this game goes to Raphael. Almost everyone who uses Raph plays in the exact same fashion which always has me cringe when someone enters my session as him and making me wish I could just ban him most of the time. He has the shortest taunt animation out of all the characters. It’s literally like 2 seconds. Then since his power stat is set to maximum, his Sai Cyclone super becomes a controllable death spiral that pretty much one shots any Foot Clan unlucky enough to be caught up in it’s path. It’s range is also quite large surprisingly covering a significant amount of the screen and as I mentioned before, it’s controllable. Meaning you can move around while using it. So for Raphael users it becomes a simple 2 button spam fest. Taunt then Super and repeat. They do this all throughout the level and boss fights making the game trivial and boring for anyone else in the session.

Of course it makes sense for Raph to be so strong because he is the hot head of the group so I don’t blame the devs. It’s the player base more or less that is at fault here and I’m sure many people who have played online before know what I’m talking about. Of course the easiest solution to this problem is to just kick spammers but about 95% of players play Raphael in this manner and if you like to play with a full party of people as I do then you’ll most likely have to put up with it for the most part. I kind of wish Raph’s Super would get toned down or nerfed a little bit or even make his taunt animation last a little longer (kind of like Casey or Donatello who have pretty long animations) but that will probably never happen sadly.

Other than that major flaw though I have no issues with this awesome game and I’ll continue to play it for a long time to come. If anyone is still on the fence about getting the game, don’t be. I can guarantee you it is will worth it to pick up. Don’t mind the Raphael Spammers. They are just one side effect to the awesome game play. As a person who has been playing since launch this game gets a solid A+ all across the board.

Edit: With the release of the new Custom Mode, the issue with the over spammers has been solved. You can now completely turn off the restoration of supers via taunting. I really now have no complaints about this game and fully recommend it to anyone who is still on the fence about buying it.
Posted 3 December, 2022. Last edited 11 March, 2023.
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