The Overseer
Every man should be free to fight his own wars

In flame there is salvation, in flame there is your fate. Do not deny the fires of retribution, lest you be consumed.

It's a Clockwork Energy

Necessity Makes Monsters of all Men

To toil in endless misery for men
Who lack a true face, burning lives as fuel,
Consumption to sustain the reigning pen,
Idea of swords anathema, to duel
ones foe, the ring of steel, it does offend.
Glass Demons must prohibit stones, for fear
they may be thrown. From evil this has stemmed;
The greed of man, his ever faithless seer.
Where duty to community built might,
So too has duty to the self made weak
the hearts and minds of men. We must rewrite
the future history of yet antique.
We must march onwards, into fading dawn,
To see the light of futures gone.

Quantity has a quality all its own.
-Joseph Stalin

We are all lost, to varying degrees.
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