⚧A Pandora⚧
Our entire right to exist was built on the premise that we couldn't control how we were born. Unlike you, I took control of my destiny. My liberation is your damnation. You only think we're demons because we've been in hell so long that we learned to cackle and dance in the hellfire.
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TW/Kitosata 24 jun, 2023 @ 7:01 
Von Dutch 2 mar, 2023 @ 17:00 
pandora :balloonicorn:
Laceration 23 okt, 2022 @ 16:55 
eres cabróna? :cocochan2:
Von Dutch 6 nov, 2021 @ 18:41 
alice :btd6stunned:
hxion 13 sep, 2021 @ 0:06 
Chilli 8 jul, 2021 @ 8:15 