Peliaika viimeisen 2 viikon aikana:

Näytä maailmanlaajuiset saavutustilastot
Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
30/30 (100%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

Faint memory

Finish 1 ending.
Avattu 5.11.2015 klo 4.30

Sentimental memory

Finish 10 endings.
Avattu 5.11.2015 klo 23.45

Unforgettable memory

Finish 30 endings.
Avattu 7.11.2015 klo 1.44

Eternal memory

Finish all endings.
Avattu 13.11.2015 klo 23.32

Muxin's First Experience

Finish ending 'Muxin's First Experience'.
Avattu 6.11.2015 klo 18.23

Little Problem

Finish ending 'Little Problem'.
Avattu 6.11.2015 klo 18.32

The war between them

Finish ending 'The war between them'.
Avattu 7.11.2015 klo 2.40

Xiao Han's Warmth

Finish ending 'Xiao Han's Warmth'.
Avattu 6.11.2015 klo 1.35

Two fools

Finish ending 'Two fools'.
Avattu 13.11.2015 klo 23.21

Happiness At Hand

Finishi ending 'Happiness At Hand'.
Avattu 14.11.2015 klo 0.05

Special tutor

Finish ending 'Special tutor'.
Avattu 9.11.2015 klo 6.30

Dimension warp

Trigger event: Navila resets the game.
Avattu 12.11.2015 klo 4.27

Medal of Makeinu

Fail in Gaokao and have no girl-friend in the end.
Avattu 5.11.2015 klo 4.30

Stimulation Test Warrior

Success in the first Stimulation test.
Avattu 5.11.2015 klo 21.43

Muddleheaded Master

Get a score lower than 350 points in any exam.
Avattu 8.11.2015 klo 20.54

The glory of Curve Wrecker

Get a score more than 650 points in any exam.
Avattu 5.11.2015 klo 22.42

The glory of God

Get a score more than 700 points in any exam.
Avattu 8.11.2015 klo 5.40

The memory of 1977

Get item 'The memory of 1977'.
Avattu 7.11.2015 klo 0.20

Fate designer

Get item 'The memory of 1977', 'The cap of fallen' and 'The old red armband'.
Avattu 7.11.2015 klo 0.20

Four greatest works

Get item 'War Within Three Kingdoms', 'War Within Red Masions', 'War Within Marshes Hero' and 'War Within Pilgrimagers'.
Avattu 9.11.2015 klo 4.23

Mental Warrior

Attend a tier one college without any item.
Avattu 5.11.2015 klo 6.57

Deadly Cookie

Trigger event: Eat Cokkie's cookie.
Avattu 5.11.2015 klo 4.12

Violent boy

Trigger event: Fight with the bad-boys.
Avattu 6.11.2015 klo 0.52

Addicted teenager

Trigger event: Get into the story-line of net-bar.
Avattu 5.11.2015 klo 23.33

Perfect boyfriend

Call Muxin in every free mode and achieve Ending 01/02.
Avattu 14.11.2015 klo 0.40


Call Xiao Han in every free mode and achieve Ending 07/10.
Avattu 14.11.2015 klo 1.11

Chinese Lord

Exceed 200 Chinese ability points (item & buff excluded).
Avattu 7.11.2015 klo 1.03

Math Lord

Exceed 200 Math ability points (item & buff excluded).
Avattu 8.11.2015 klo 19.45

English Lord

Exceed 200 English ability points (item & buff excluded).
Avattu 8.11.2015 klo 20.22

Comprehensive Lord

Exceed 300 Comprehensive ability points (item & buff excluded).
Avattu 6.11.2015 klo 1.32