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Verfasst: 4. März um 13:59

So after ages of waiting for this game, and very little said about it, it has amazing potential to be an absolutely STELLA!!! RTS tactical game.

However as it stands currently its an unbalanced and unfinished mess, troops behave erratically sometimes just flat out refusing to shoot at things in direct line of sight and within range (not helped by the lack of a LOS tool), as well as just walking in circles sometimes. Buildings when occupied by enemies seem to be almost invincible, then when using specified shock troops to dislodge them you will take 80% casualties rendering that unit useless for the remainder of the mission, basically meaning even basic troops can hold against incredibly advanced and upgraded troops. flip the coin however and even your most dug in soldiers in a entrenched building will seemingly get one shot out of nowhere an incredibly frustrating experience when you have spent 5 missions levelling up a sniper unit with good gear only to have it in stealth mode get deleted by an enemy you cant see. these are just a few of the gripes I have with just the mechanics of the RTS portion

Step outside of this and to the main campaign map and you have a poorly thought through and half finished game, half the sites are un-visitable or you never get any side-quests to go there. you have to Guess how much supplies you need before moving to a new sector meaning you can literally have a campaign end because you dont know your next missions distance away from you. the unit variety and upgrade potential is lacking to say the least for a asymmetrical tactical RTS

The game play loop seems to priorities and promote careful and methodical game play but then punishes this on the large map by forcing you to disband or sell the troops you've carefully accrued just to get to the next mission...

All in all if your looking to pick this up maybe wait 6-9 months when the devs or community have released some patches or mods to either balance the gameplay or introduce QOL improvements.

I fail to believe anyone has completed this game on the realistic mode without having to either reload or play though the missions before hand on a easier difficulty so they know whats in store. as playing through this blind on realistic is literally impossible.
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