
Tiles137 最近的评测

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总时数 1,283.5 小时 (评测时 1,233.9 小时)
Fix the bot problem. #FixTF2
发布于 6 月 3 日。
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总时数 149.6 小时 (评测时 144.7 小时)
Joining the Helldivers was one of the best decisions I've had the pleasure of making this year. I was able to spread Managed Democracy throughout the system to both the Freedom-hating Terminids and the other threat to democracy known as the Automatons.

I was eradicating the bugs and bots when I noticed one day that some of my fellow Helldivers have mysterious gone MIA, so I did some investigating.

Turns out the Ministry of Truth and our own Galactic Peacekeeping Forces are currently under threat by a entity that is operating outside the usual scope of the Helldivers. The threat known as "PlayStation Studios", otherwise known as "Sony Interactive Entertainment" plans on attacking Super Earth Forces with the first wave beginning May 6th and launching their full-scale offensive on June 4th. This attack will undoubtedly cut our number of Helldivers down by an unknowable margin. The Ministry of Truth is attempting negotiations on behalf of the Helldivers and Super Earth, and have urged the support of the Helldivers. A Helldiver on the SES Soul of Steel, who has close ties to the situation at hand and the Ministry of Truth, stated "I want people to make their displeasure known in a place where it might actually make a difference, Steam reviews and refund requests will do that..."

Ever since the threat was made known to us, The Ministry of Truth was partially successful with there negotiations. They managed to repel the attacking forces, but not without restricting certain regions of the world from becoming Helldivers.

(I will not be changing my review until the game is available in regions in which PSN is blocked.)
发布于 5 月 4 日。 最后编辑于 5 月 12 日。
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