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Recent reviews by Sontraënil

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0.0 hrs on record
Was going to buy it, turns out i don't need to, Thanks lots Larian for going above and beyond as a game studio
Posted 3 August, 2023.
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208.1 hrs on record (49.2 hrs at review time)
Great game for escapism, impeccable water physics, loads of fun with friends and a great way to relax by sailing the seas alone or going fishing for hours on end, new content regularly what's not to appreciate about this game except the xbox connect ?
Posted 25 November, 2021.
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152.2 hrs on record (39.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
For a team so small to have put together in early access a game so already packed with so much features is just nothing short than astonishing.
The bloody thing just works, and not the Todd Howard kind of "it just works", its smooth fo the most part, beautiful in it's design and it's gaphics.
Hope from the bottom of my heart that the full realease will be even more amazing because i can't stop playing it as the experience is very emmotional stirring in the sense that it both so soothing yet keeps you on edge sometimes and also frustrating at times but so so rewarding when you achieve some things.

I will never forget my first time fighting a troll, I went to mine copper in a clearing between the meadows and th black forest, and I'm mining my own buisness fending off the occasionnal Greaydwarves (annoying little ♥♥♥♥♥) for two ingame days straight. Then, i hear rummbling from the forest in front of me, i pay it no heed, but something keeps me alert : a bit more grey dwarves than usual, si start loading my copper.
And then the noise is getting closer, and at the time i didn't know that there were more than greydwarves and skelly bois in the dark forest, but here it was the blue hulking mass towering a few meters ahead of me, a troll with a trunk for a club. the first thing i thought was "oh ♥♥♥♥" before getting flattened to the ground.
So i go back naked, take back my stuff, reach hastily for my bow an fire a few arrow at the beast already eager for a second round, barely having time to eat, i ditch my plan to put on some armor, and thanks to my 25th level in running managed to keep the hunk at bay while furiuosly and generously showering my opponent with projected sticks.
At one point in the battle, i screw up and stuck myself on tree, wich would've enabled him to hit me if i didn't rolled out and evaded the blow, during I hear sinister wood crack that i'm too much familliar with, and the hurting sound of the troll, the tree that almost got me killed fell on the troll and he only had a sliver of health left, so finnished it with my most accurate shot and he fell.
I will always remember that firs troll encounter, as I shouted with gregarious glee at a bunch of pixels.

So yeah, i highly recommend it, and i even got my GF to play with me even though she isn't a fan of the survival/crafting genre.

Have a crack at it, it's only 17€, and it is certainly more enjoyable than some AAA titles you payed for this year or last year;

Overall, I give it the exellent note of "watch out for that tree / 10"
Posted 6 May, 2021.
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5.1 hrs on record
Really fun to play, my GF loves it and forced me to play for hours.
And i came to like it, how couldnt I when I spent hundreds of hours on Dungeon Keeper when i was a child.
Very similar to DK but more fun, more complex and less bugged.
Posted 22 November, 2018.
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30.0 hrs on record (23.8 hrs at review time)
Good and challenging, very good design and really fun to play, I think I will be stuck more than a few hours playing this game
Posted 29 September, 2015.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries