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Ostatnie recenzje napisane przez użytkownika VeronaKate

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Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 45 pozycji
Według 4 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
0.0 godz. łącznie
Buy this dlc once and then after you play it go back and buy Elderscrolls oblivion then play the shivering isles dlc . You will then learn how far Bethesda has fallen .
Opublikowana: 30 września.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
199.1 godz. łącznie (197.4 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Best co op thriller game ever !

Pros .

Character creation Male and Female with preset faces and some wacky bum like hairs styles .

Unlockable cosmetics with each trial be it character or room . Clothes , Wallpaper, floor, room decor ect .

Wonderful Co op experience ! Can be played solo , or co op duo, triad or quad of your choice .

Immersive first person so you can see your footing which is a big plus ! I wish more GAMES would do this !!!!

NPC AI's are very fun and well done and not stupid !

NPC's tend to talk on and off to them selves which is hilarious to listen to at times !

Movement is very well done for it very smooth flowing to move around through the trial .

You can fight back with consumable throwable items such as bricks and bottles even have rigs which are like main ability .

Unlockable passives that help improve your character .

Replay value is very high especially with a friend or 2 .

There is a decent variety of maps to play each with their dedicated main bad guy filled with side bad guys .

Maps tend to randomize their trapped and locked doors forcing players to choose other routes when replaying them .

Can play chess , arm wrestling and buttom guess mini games with other players outside of the trials .

Best one of them all , no modern world agendas ! That's right get your ideology out of here its not welcome !


Only a crazy person would even bother giving this game any cons .

Conclusion . Over all I avoided this game back in the day because I judged it by its cover thinking was just another horror game and the only thing I ever regret is not buying it way way sooner ! To me the game is excellent and well done . Even in early access the game was well done ! I must say if you want a great fun thriller horror style game to enjoy with a friend or 2 this is one you should consider picking up ! I can come back on and off for more with this game and never get bored with it due to how well done the game play over all is .


Npc AI : 9/10

Character creation : 6/10

Replayability : 9/10

Controls : 9/10

co op : 10/10

fov : 5/10

Defensive tactics : 7/10

Variety : 7/10

Overall Gameplay : 9/10

Game price : 10/10

Opublikowana: 1 września.
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Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
241.7 godz. łącznie (41.4 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Going to be very Straight forward .

Servers are ok at first then they become unstable and unplayable forcing you to restart the game .

No uniqueness to Characters what so ever for free player . Everyone will look exactly like you .

Only 3 characters to choose and get 1 freebie later that 90% players and their dead grandparents use .

Rinse and repeat style game same thing over and over and over and over and.....must I go on ?

You can destroy massive mobs with the bunny character literally playing with only one hand .

No character creation .

Pay for fashion or look like everyone else .

You unlock dyes for free from challenges , yet you cannot dye anything without spending 5-10 dollars .

Warframe and Destiny have a WAY higher game variety in content than this game .

This game is a time burner that you play when you do not have anything else better to play . I prefer workouts .

The only good thing in this game is that it is eye candy for some players and that is about it . Not my cup of tea but everyone has their fetishes . So that is a plus for those types of players .

Another good thing for some players is that the outfits are so tight that not even i can get my clothes that tight . It's as tight as if I strip all clothing and just paint myself in liquid latex . MAXIMUM TIGHTNESS !!!!!

This game in a nutshell .

1. Pick 1 of 3 characters .

2. do the story which is very bad and boring but not as boring as endgame .

3 . Endgame Grind repetitive content for New weapons , Upgrade modules and Characters .

4. REGrind levels 1-40 on Weapons and characters 8+ times just to be endgame Viable .

5 . Repeat 3 and 4 over and over again with just each new character and weapon you unlock .

6 . Optional . Spend real money to unlock characters . All your doing here is is wasting money unlocking a tool to grind the same content you been doing on options 3 and 4 .

Once you have the character you want with real money you just doing some very boring endgame content with that which you spent money on . There WAY better games to spend your money on than this game that have far more benefits .

If your married and good looking like I am just go into one of the rooms with your partner and do overtime its much better than staring at the men and women in this game . <3

So far I am unsure what to make of this game . I am giving it a thumbs down because there are WAY better games out there more stable and have more variety than this . I personally do not mind spending money on free to play games . Just some might have a issue with it . I personally Will always spend money because I have enough money to fork over to support these style games . Though In the long run this game will need to provide more stability and a wider variety of content before I give it a thumbs up .
Opublikowana: 9 lipca. Ostatnio edytowane: 20 sierpnia.
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Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
0.0 godz. łącznie
GRRR now the cotton candy can get in those certain places without my permission ......
Opublikowana: 5 lipca.
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Według 311 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 9 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
209.5 godz. łącznie (37.1 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
I really do enjoy this game .

The Good :
AI system is top notch . Fighting some npcs almost feels like your fighting players , almost .

Wildlife can be deadly . Anacondas as well will 1 shot coil you up and swallow you while leaving a bulge in its belly . Rare function ! Still looking into all the other immersions in wildlife atm .

Gear starts to wear and tear over time as your durability gets low .

Rain effects are very satisfying . Makes me feel like I cannot get away from thunderstorms even in a game !

Love the swimming mechanics and the ability to use a melee underwater . Oh and you can punch the water . Yeah that's right nothing more satisfying than punching water to cool off from being pwned by bush dogs ! The sound effect of punching water is satisfying and great anger management !

Storage is very well done and is how I wish it was in every game !

Game is running very smooth for a Early access game . Running just a simple 3080 in 4k on mostly maxed settings and its very much smooth while my Husband is running 1 grade lower than me and he is running just as smooth . The game is well optimized for us at least .

This one is for all you male players out there . Nice big jiggle breast . A little too much to me to the point its more a fetish than realistic but I everyone has their fetishes so Many males will love this feature ! What matters is pleasing the majority of gamer's so I support it !

Combat is really fun ! I love the way combat feels, Even have Kill finishers or high damage animation attacks . Too all you scorpion lovers you can harpoon npcs while saying Get over here !

Stealth and Sound mechanics are a really nice touch ! I love how its easier for npcs to spot you in the day and at night if you are using a light source or near another player with a light source the npcs can spot you easier . Sound and Stealth is a great touch for a game like this ! Glad they put Sound and Stealth functions in this game . Stealth back stab animations are a thing !

Hunting is Very nice . Depending on how many times you hit wildlife or how fast you kill it will vary on the outcome you get from it . I know that there is a poor , Good , Decent and Excellent kill in terms of how you take out your kill . I think this impacts the outcome and Experience towards your hunting rank .

Mixed Thoughts :

Character creation is very limited at the moment . Made up of preset heads and hair styles I would like to see more of . Height and weight sliders which is nice ! Breast sliders for females .

I think that males and females stance is very much the same . It would be nice to see improvement here .

Progressing is a heavy grind unless you Join someones custom and private server . The game can be a high Chore ONLY if your running default settings .

Game is locked in third person which is not a bugger for me but some might feel a bit off due to the fact there is no FOV setting .

The Bad :

Profanity chat is bad ! Words Like , Donkey , Information , Dog and a ENTIRE word section is filtered out as profanity . This very much needs work ! I very much prefer discord over chatting but not everyone is in discord .

I might update this Review as I play and experience more ! So far this is my review based off 37.9 hours worth of play time and I feel I only scratched the surface . I am sure I left out a few bits but then again I am just doing swift thinking on what I have experienced .

All and all the game is Way worth it to me . There is not a moment I have felt i was not enjoying myself within this world . Hope this Review helps !
Opublikowana: 3 czerwca. Ostatnio edytowane: 3 czerwca.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
46.8 godz. łącznie
This Game once again is Uniting people around the globe . This is how it aught to be . Let the corporations and Politics destroy each other once again while the people of our countries stand united for entertainment once more .
Opublikowana: 5 maja. Ostatnio edytowane: 6 maja.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
7.1 godz. łącznie (1.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
Early access and Not a AAA Title plus a indie . This game is far better than starfields ship combat by 100x . Even has Dismemberment . I Enjoyed this game in the first 1. 5 hours where it took me weeks and needed mods before i could enjoy starfield . Its a crying shame that AAA companies are failing so hard at pleasing the gamers these days and they have more money than these indie games that are far more entertaining . This game is clunky and Voice acting is bad but its still more entertaining than Starfield .
Opublikowana: 3 kwietnia.
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Według 9 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
0.0 godz. łącznie
Posture is the only reason most players use this item and to be blunt the posture looks horrible in creation . In game your character can look all wonky because of it . I am not for cheating but i will find a way to to get a unlimted amount of this item till i perfect that posture .
Opublikowana: 22 marca.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
101.8 godz. łącznie
Update from my original review .

The game itself is quite promising in many ways that are improved off the first game . However There are a few things I must say that I like and dislike starting with the list below .

First and foremost the character creator . I love the Character creator and loved how they stuck true to the natural way . One of the various things I love is the fact that its a pretty in depth character creation giving faces unlimited possibilities to mess with to creating a realistic style person .

Vocations in this game are a bit meh to me . I will be blunt about this but the Vocations in the first game were 50x better if not a max of 100x better . The ones in this game are just not cutting it for me what so ever . Its rather annoying not being able to do the unique combos such as a shield+dualdaggers like in the first game . Having many skills and weapons under one class like strider from the first game was just kickass . Sadly Wayfarer is just not cutting it for me . The design is poorly done compared to how mix and matching worked .

Speaking of Mix and match . Armor ! This is a downright downside for me . Why ? Because I am tired of games Making Chest and Gloves one piece , same as pants and boots being one piece . This ruins the mix match variety with gear and I cannot stand this lazy feature . The first game you could mix match boots and pants and chest and gloves . This is a MAJOR flaw to me and I do not like this change one bit . Too many restrictions with armor and need the wayfarer to wear all armor which is dumb . Fashion or major damage at this point . Grrr .

About the monsters . Their pretty well done . Glad they stuck some originals in here but one thing I must say I'm rather disappointed that they did not add any of the monsters capable of swallowing a player whole like Hydra , Maneater/mimic chest . Even a couple petrifying enemies are missing like gargoyles and cockatrices . Evil eye as well . All the cool monsters are just missing . At least they kept the Arousing Ogres . :3 Hope they bring back the grim reaper and some of the other monsters back some day .

Speaking of petrify . You can only petrify in this game with medusa's head which is way powerful of petrifying monster in the game . Though its nice but its a one time use item and it decays over time . This idea is nice and dumb at the same time . I much rather have a sorcerer spell that allows me to petrify my foes like the first game ! Grrrr

Story is like one day the game devs woke up one morning had coffee and focused on their job then left for a lunch break and came back drunk as skunks and tried to finish the story up . Yeah that is pretty much how the story feels in the long run . Your left with wait ......what ? I am confused as to why I did all this in the first place but yet some reason i'm just going to go with the flow .

Post endgame is good and bad .
The good : Its like the same world just remove all the water and turn the world into a sinister looking wasteland . I loved it !
The bad : Postendgame has a TIMELIMIT !!!! GRRRRRRR !!!! The first game's endgame didn't have a time limit . So prepare to feel rushed and not rest so much its a dumb choice the devs made here . This forces the players to rush . I do not like being rushed in my games !

The way the pawn system works is rather nice . Though I would have prefered if they made pawns both operational through A.I. bots and PLAYERS ! In the end I beat this game once after doing nearly everything I could in the first play through that I just uninstalled it afterwards . If it was co op It still would be installed on my PC and I would still be playing it . However I am done and done with it for now till I crave it , more mods come out or content releases for it .

Npc's are decent . Love the idea and work put into how Npc work in this game due to the fact the entire world is completely open with no load screens . Just wish npcs would not fade out when you simply turn your back . They really should have learned how this worked by watching how the witcher 3 wild hunt did it .

Now even though there are more negatives I posted about this game than positive's I am keeping it as a Recommended game simply because I have enjoyed the game very much in the time I played it even though there was much I disliked about it . It was fun for me and my experience .

One final detail . Do not buy any deluxe or dlc just for a tent and a few assets you get . Reason why is its a direct ripoff unless you really care about having the sound effects playing in this game from the first because that is all your really paying for . Reason ? Because you can pretty much install a simple mod that gives you 999 Wakestones , port crystals , ferrystones , eternal wakecrystals and even the unique tent you get from the pack as well all the relationship boost items from a single vendor and can mod it to where you pay 0- 1 gold for the item . It beats spending money on a consumable that cannot get back once used right ?
There is no current counter for this due to the fact this game is totally modable and has hundreds of mods out already .

Think it through ! Save your money , buy basic and Go with the mods .
Opublikowana: 22 marca. Ostatnio edytowane: 24 kwietnia.
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2.8 godz. łącznie (1.9 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
This game is 100% pure anger management .
Opublikowana: 16 lutego.
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Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 45 pozycji