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3.4 horas nas 2 últimas semanas / 1,170.1 hrs em registo (887.9 horas no momento da análise)
Publicada: 20 mai. 2014 às 18:06
Atualizada: 30 mai. 2021 às 17:11

Análise do CS:GO
I have played this game for many years, and i gotta say, its kinda fu&#@!% G@^.

First off the pro's:

Less ♥♥♥♥-sapian than valorant
love the gunplay
easy to find comp matches

Acoustic teammates
official comp system sucks, it does not show you your rank, your performance or any indication of your performance, has not changed since release

All in all, id say its enjoyable for me, but only because i play in silver lobbies and am decent enough at the game due to having over 900hours.
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