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82.2 hrs on record (43.8 hrs at review time)
Ok how about this --- Don't buy anymore DLCs from Games workshop or Creative Assembly, Boycott them like folks boycotted Budlight and target lol. The price hikes are insane on these DLC. Current DLC content released (including the Shadows of Change DLC) will just barely exceed the price of the game itself, and man....there is still alot of problems in this game.

I mean, what am I talking about, im sure most of you know the news about this company, and how they basically doubled, and even tripled the price of their DLC going off of the industry standard. Greedy Bastards really...
Posted 19 August, 2023.
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31.3 hrs on record (16.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Be me:

Start game as Thrall/Captain of ship. Have the wheel and sail ship to halfway point. Hardly left the ship entire game.

Forgot i was Thrall and noticed my ally thrall was on ship most of the time too. Realized my stupid ally was as useless as me.

Said "F*ck it" and rammed two small icebergs. Code Red Emergency. Yell at crew to repair the ship. Crew go below decks. Coast is clear.

Play Tokyo Drift music and pull a 180. Ram the shore of the "beach" drifting the ship hard enough to turn it around completely. Jump off ship after crew throws a mutiny. Die.

Crew brags and talks trash. Says i suck. Crew attempts to turn ship around. Gets ship stuck in ice wall at weird angle. Ship is stucker than "DOOR STUCK!".

All crew members throw extra expletives at me, then suicide en-mass.

Win The Game

No Blood/Kills on my hands. No Bones or Bone Daggers found.

Stay Useless my friends...
Posted 20 May, 2021.
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33.0 hrs on record (10.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Best advice I can give to new players.

If you don't have a mic, buy another game...
Posted 2 October, 2020.
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16.6 hrs on record (16.4 hrs at review time)
I'm only recommending this game in hopes that the devs will solve the issues I mention down below.

This list is mostly glaring issues and cons/bad stuff i have noticed so far in the game.

Quick Comparisons with Mordheim: City Of The Damned

Your troops cannot move through/pass eachother within a certain range (about 1 meter). Everyone has a green "Engagement" bubble, similar to the previous title, but allies cannot move through it, even if your ally isn't engaged or in danger. This will basically prevent you from passing eachother in tight corridors and (somewhat) narrow bridges or walkways. If you have not played the game yet, you won't know the feeling of frustration.

Also, Ziplines are used for travel, and you can also jump from most perches. In mordheim, there were designated locations where you can do this. In Necromunda, there isn't, unless its a fixed zipline location. The reason why i mention this is because you can't "tactically" block the locations with your body like you could in Mordheim for those of you that remember. If you attempt to end your turn in said locations, it is deemed as a safe/unsafe zone and the game will forcibly move/teleport your character a short distance away from that spot. This can ♥♥♥♥ you if you aren't careful.

Turn order isnt entirely based on Initiative anymore like Mordheim. There are multiple "TURNS" within 1 "ROUND" of combat. Every player uses their first "TURN" to select 1 character in their gang that hasnt moved yet. The characters selected have their Initiative compared to eachother, and can move based on who has the highest initiative going down to the lowest initiative.

In other words, you can select your first dude (on turn 1) with a low-ass Initiative of "38" , and match them to everyone else's characters for that "TURN", but still act first before all of your opponents "high initiative" characters if he/she has yet to select them. That low initiative character you picked will move last in the current "TURN" compared to everyone else's quick fighters, but is still technically acting before every other High Initiative character. This system is stupid to me

Once all of those selected characters have finished their actions, that "TURN" ends, and every player selects another one of their inactive/unused characters and compares the Initiative again. You repeat the process until all characters have moved (unless a turn is skipped). After all characters have been used, a new "ROUND" begins.

So, unlike Mordheim, you can see where the opponent is spawning at, including looking up what their character's class is and other various stats and information. They are not hidden from you based on Line Of Sight. Essentially, the there is no Fog of War when selecting spawn locations, and no fog of war throughout the entire battle. By pressing "CTRL", you can activate your scanner and see everyone and just about everything through objects. This kinda sucks in my opinion, since not knowing where your enemies are is the best part and makes the game THAT much harder. In a skirmish (pvp), id assume that this makes overwatch and ambushing alot less effective.

When all players select their spawn locations for each of their characters, they are given the option to select one character as i have mentioned before. What i didnt know (and correct me on this if im wrong) is that every other character that hasnt been used yet is shaded in a light gray/grey color. Everyone with that color cannot be targeted by any attacks, but you can still place traps in front of them, go into an ambush stance right before them, or set up overwatch with ranged weapons if need be.

I still don't know what stress does, and im not sure if the campaign teaches that to people since I've yet to start it. But as far as i can tell, stress doesn't affect you as hard as "Morale" did back in Mordheim. You won't be seeing anyone running from fear any time soon, or breaking as far as i can tell. Although, the AI is usually smart enough to retreat and exit the battleground you are in so they can preserve their troops.

Everyone (as far as i can tell), including every class, starts off carrying up to 7 items in their bags. I personally wish this wasn't so, and that they reduced the amount and/or made it similar to Mordheim's inventory system, where your Strength determined your carry capacity. I have killed a few enemies with carry capacities up to 11, but im not sure if that was level related or a special perk they got.

---AI & THE ♥♥♥♥ THEY DO---
Im sure you saw it in other reviews while you were browsing through, but the AI in this game are literally retarded. I've been in 3 way battles where one opponent (AI) runs over to a near death character belonging to another opponent (AI), and simply kneeling a few meters away from them instead of finishing them off. They even had a full magazine and Action Points to do it.

Ugh...They walk into edges or corners every now and then. They seem confused af on where they actually want to go. Ive seen bots run in one direction, stop, then turn back around just to use an item. Im not trying to delve into the science behind how they act, but lemme make this easy for you...

The AI in Mordheim, on an easy mission, could completely and utterly wreck a decently equipped gang controlled by the AI in Necromunda!

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is this store barren as ♥♥♥♥. Its dryer than an african's ashy feet in the desert while he's wearing sandpaper sandals. As mentioned by others, the Store can only be opened after completing your first two missions. Once opened, i was loving how i can finally access and purchase various pieces of weaponry and equipment. So they first time used the shop was great!

2-3 missions later, im stocked full of money i made from selling looted gear from my dead foes, and the store has finally replenished and rerolled its contents... And man was i pissed. Hardly anything changed, besides a few weapons here and there and the same bunch of Left Leg Shin Guard armor. But then i was like...ok ok. Thats cool! I got a bad roll for items. Ill wait for the next one....Then the next one....Then another next one...Then the other another next one.

I dunno man. Mordheim's store inventory is freaking loaded with crap. Weapons, armor, gear, consumables, enchantments OH MY!!! Then you got Necromunda...oof.

Who was responsible for balancing the weapons in this game? Im actually frustrated a bit, and lemme tell you why...... so come closer dammit!

There is a class called Deadeye. Your friendly neighborhood Sniper/Ranger. Your Gang Leader can pick the Deadeye as its class...ok cool. No problem so far. Then i noticed that new deadeye gangers typically start off with a weapon called the Autogun, which im sure most of you know or at least heard of. Why does this typical weapon have such a high amount of Dps compared to other guns? Why is this damn basic-♥♥♥♥♥ weapon so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ effective at murkin people left and right?

So my Deadeye Gang Leader got a special ability (that only leaders can obtain) i selected called "Heroic Barrage". And holy hell, lemme tell you about this broken ass ability...

With an Autogun, I can activate this ability once per turn, and fire 3 bursts at a single target. Add some crit buffs, and you can guarantee 1 kill per round in the early-mid game!

I wanna tell you more, but Steam is limiting my ability to inform (although im not even efficiently doing it) y'all. Anyway, I can't rail on it too hard. Its still a brand new game, though the price we are paying for it certainly doesnt make me feel like im playing a decently complete game here. More like an Early Access Indie if anything. Its a shame too! i was looking forward to all the new game announcements like Total War Warhammer 3, Blood Bowl 3, and this.
Posted 13 September, 2020.
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104.5 hrs on record (101.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This is more of an informative review.

Contents include: Multiplayer, Loot/modules/turrets, Mailing system, Alliances/factions, Ship blueprints, and Co-op; in that order... If you need me to add some more insight on something you want to know, just ask and ill dig for the info and post it here...


Single player and multiplayer is more or less identical in every way, shape, and form EXCEPT the fact that in multiplayer, there are other people who have just as much freedom of choice as you do. You can still build ships, make stations, kill stuff, raid, trade, mine, explore, salvage, loot etc; in both game modes.

Main and most obvious difference as i said before is that in MP, there is OTHER PEOPLE. They CAN kill you, your ship DOES NOT disappear when you are offline....unless you are in a neutral sector, then you are fine...so a random person can suddenly and VERY randomly jump into 1 of thousands of sectors that may just have your ship in it if you parked it outside of said zones. What they do to that ship is entirely up to the player.

Sure, certain servers an admin makes CAN set up rules and shmules against offline player killing/griefing, but no one will know who committed a crime or unlawful action without the proper scripts, mods, aaaaand perhaps basic knowledge of how to work under the hood for Avorion. Kinda hard keeping track of who has beef with who if your server has all the cool kids in it and it is considered popular. Larger populated servers has all kinds of people who come and go.

Ok...with the new "Alliance" update that was recently released and avaliable in the BETA BRANCH ONLY (for now), theres is a way to..."Transfer" a player's profile with all the loot, money, materials, and maybe colors he/she.../it has collected in a previous server; to a NEW SERVER. Obviously its pretty damn unfair if some new guy shows up with stacks on stacks of credits and materials, but i think its up to the server admins/owners to accept and upload the file to their server banks and fully add someone in with their previous crap.

If you were to have a nice setup and empire in a previous server you joined for multiplayer/co-op purposes, and tried to join a fresh server unrelated to your previous one...you WILL have to start from scratch. So keep that in mind unless you want to go through the weird and somewhat complicated method i mentioned above.


In MP, when a player in your same sector attacks your same target, loot that falls from the target is RANDOMLY split and NOT identical/mirrored for both attacking parties. Itd completely random loot depending on the ship you tackled together. Damage to a ship doesnt exactly play a role in who gets what, but usually who destroyed a particular PART (Turrets for example) of a ship.

I had a nice cruiser running while helping out a new player in my server once, we fought an enemy together and some epic loot dropped while i did 98% of the damage to the target. Unfortunetly, the new kid got it and it was locked to him. So if i flew over the loot to claim it, the magic magnets in my ship wont pull it into my inventory.

On another note...and kinda important if you care...if you got caught with your pants down and you are now pushing up daisies, your ship hull and any gear/weapons blown off of it will remain in the SAME exact spot you died at for about 12-24 hours i believe. They can be reclaimed...except the ship...which could STILL be salvaged for material if you have the capabilities to do so.

The settings for despawn times on dead hulls and loot can be altered for deditcated/box-run servers. Im not too sure about regular hosted servers from someone's PC.


Alright...now, theres a mail system in the game. This is utterly useless in singleplayer so id have to assume this game was built primarily with Multiplayer as your main chick and single player as a side chick. This mailing system in Multiplayer enables you and others to send written messages to eachother, with several boxes at the bottom of the mail interface that makes it possible to send attachments. These ATTACHMENTS can be anything from Credits, Materials/resources, and weapons/gear/modules.


A recent update to the game enables official alliances or factions to be built by players. This also allows players to join/recruit other players into their faction and spread their dominance and territory claims via building various stations within certain sectors. By building these stations, you more or less "Assert" your dominance over a particular sector, spreading a sphere of influence on the map similar to other NPC factions. Now i have not yet played around with the new Alliance update so i dont have TOO much hands-on experience with the Alliances you can make.

Factions/Alliances shared by players have something similar to a bank...or armory, resource pool, guild vault etc; that players can dump their collected resources/modules/turrets into IF they want.This Alliance vault i spoke of should allow peeps in your faction to take whatever it is they need to use.

I have been told somewhere by someone that there "Shoud" be an interface somewhere in Allaince management that enables its members to view the currently owned stations/mines/factories you own as a collective. Whether this also includes the specific location, industrial/manufactoring status, hull integrity/condition of the station, or crew size/crew pay that due for the station is beyond me.

Now I have no idea if there is a ranking system enabled with permissions set barring low ranked/new players from abusing the vault or viewing all of your important factories and locations.

I have no idea if theres a donation system set for the Alliance incase special stations or projects need to be done, although the vault more or less covers that function i think.

I dont know if theres a list of relations that everyone shares within their alliance that extends out to every single other NPC faction there is out there...which would be a nice feature. Basically everyone has the same relation with AI factions; within the alliance. So if a particular player or group of players improves or ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up relations with an npc faction, the relation status with everyone else associated with the Alliance changes as well.


You can build ships and stations the same way in both single and multiplayer...stuff can also crash into you OR attack you while building a ship in BOTH game modes, so use that knowledge as a quick reminder. Blueprints CAN be shared amongst eachother, regardless of relations or Alliance simply by using "Run" on your desktop, type "%appdata%", select "Roaming", select "Avorion", and finally select the "Ships" file that holds every blueprint along with every ship you named while playing avorion that has been sucessfully saved.

Give another player the ability to download the file (use drop box or some crap like that) and they will have access to the stuff you made...Now...thats ONE way you can share blueprints...the other option is to use steamworkshop. Problem with that is the inability to load in a blueprint/ship mod you subscribed to...If you have this problem, just know that you must be opted into the BETA version of the game for the worshop ships to appear in game.

To opt into the beta version of avorion, go to your library, right click avorion, properties, look left of the new ui for "Betas", and use that little damn bar it has to select the beta version. Make sure you game is fully closed before doing so, and wait for the new updates to sink into your harddrive before running her up again.

So uhh...choose the old school method for vanilla and beta versions. Choose the "beta" bit if you are window shopping ship on the workshop.

Mmm...you coooouuld allow someone to use your ships ingame via getting out of it in your drone, and allowing another player to use their drone to get close to said
Posted 2 July, 2017.
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17.0 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
Distant Worlds: Universe is Waaaay better than Stellaris in my opinion. Ive seen multiple reviews with other players comparing this game to DW:U, saying its the 4x game they need and stuff....bruh, did anyone ever take a second to check the ship customization options in this game then compare it distant worlds? How about comparing the planetary development? In depth construction of your stations with specific purposes? an empire you have FULL control of which includes population control, enslavement, repopulation on planets, and dont get me started on the Agent system. You can have spies with a multitude of talents, with plenty of possibilities on how to use them. How about the Generals, ship captains, and fleet admirals? They have Ground forces/Ship-ship/fleetwide bonuses that constantly get better depending on how well they perform in combat. Last but not least, you can go pretty in depth about how your empire is built and its functionalities and policies.

Get Distant Worlds: Universe with the starwars mod if you want a bunch of legit races with full customization on how they function.
Posted 28 May, 2016.
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38.9 hrs on record (29.0 hrs at review time)
I recommend this game for Various reasons i try to explain below, though it may not be enough information for the average gamer.

A solid Tower Defense/Turn-based strategy mixed with sci-fi and hack-n-slash. Whether solo playing or online multiplayer, "DotE" will give most players a hard time; either by high blood pressure, rage, and/or suicidal thoughts. Theres a few easter eggs you'll catch here and there, and i'll not add any spoilers, but you'll get a chuckle or two from finding them out. Replayability is high (for me atleast). And we cant forget about that futuristic and highly advanced melodic elevator music

I've noticed a few bugs here and there, like heroes getting stuck in the animation for opening doors, which is gamebreaking more or less(if you can risk a hero taking one for the team). Or your tactical map not working, and you have to manually click and drag on the map just to see whats going on. On another note, the servers arent exactly...perfect with connectivity. This game also has its fair share of "THOSE GUYS" who immediately kick you from lobbies without giving you an excuse or even saying hello. It happens ALOT, and its a bit rude and repetitive.

On the plus side, by having Endless Legend and/or Endless space, you will start seeing a few monsters and races from the other Endless titles. Brings back some decent memories, especially the broken lord Hero, and her impressive defense.Theres different Passive and Active abilites for heroes ranging from typical damage and defense boosts, highly resourceful aggro's, and turret/module upgrades. I believe this is the first game i've witnessed take advantage of hero's gaining or losing power due to thier personality and teammates within the same room as them on the dungeon floor.

Both Endless Legend and Endless Space (great games by the way, leaning more toward Endless legend) have modding options and tools except for this installment in the Endless series. Hopefully that will change in a few months time BECUASE i'd like to see more heroes, abilities, and possibly monsters and multiple factions from the other games.
By getting Emporer and Crystal packs from the other titles, it unlocks characters, ships, and artwork, music etc for DotE.

It doesnt take a genious to figure out the uses of Food, Industry, and Science (no excuses for those of you who played the previous titles), although theres a slight exception for Dust as the tutorial deosnt exactly teach you how NOT to get your ass kicked the first few playthroughs.

Any way, im out. So good luck and add me if you need a companion or opponent in any of the Endless games. I also recommend Endless Legend for those of you who who like hexagonal turn based strategies like "Michael Meyers" Beyond Earth.
Posted 3 December, 2014.
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123.1 hrs on record (71.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The game itself is quite solid with great graphical visuals. It WILL take sometime to try out each mech thoroughly and pick between those you work with best. (My personal line-up is the Technician, the Rocketeer, and the Predator). Once you finally figure out which mechs you are compatible with, try using them in different ways. Whether its being a lonewolf, hopping on the team wagon, or simply sticking with a specific team member- im sure you'll find some good results in the aftermath of the battle. The game consists of very few bugs so far, and constant tweeks are being made to increase in-game balancing and performance. Also, new mechs are added to the game every few updates are on constant watch to get their fair-share of tweeks and battle adjustments so no mech seems overpowered. Sometimes though, you may get a player or two who think you fight a little TOO well and may call you a hacker. As far as i've noticed. these "Hackers" are really just experienced players who found thier perfect match with a very specific mech and knows when and when not to fight. Tips for those who get this game: Try your best to stay on the ground; Never stand still in a fight; Never run from a battle when close to death or it'll be easier for the enemy to shoot you in the back and finish you off. Goodluck to you guys who get the game.
Posted 1 May, 2014.
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