Peliaika viimeisen 2 viikon aikana:

Näytä maailmanlaajuiset saavutustilastot
Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
16/26 (62%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

Steaks Were Made

Serve a steak to a customer
Avattu 8.8.2023 klo 16.49

Piece of the Action

Serve a pizza to a customer
Avattu 10.8.2023 klo 19.41

A New Leaf

Serve a salad to a customer
Avattu 8.8.2023 klo 19.08

Soggy Bottom

Serve a pie to a customer
Avattu 11.8.2023 klo 19.08

Man's Best Friend?

Serve a hotdog to a customer
Avattu 30.8.2023 klo 19.50

Burger Prince

Serve a burger to a customer
Avattu 11.8.2023 klo 18.53

This Is Fine

Complete a day when the restaurant has been on fire for more than 15 seconds
Avattu 9.8.2023 klo 18.08


Complete a day with 10 appliances on fire at once
Avattu 27.8.2023 klo 10.31

Flawless Timing

Serve a customer with less than a second to spare
Avattu 8.8.2023 klo 19.02

Health Inspector?

Complete a day with a mess on at least 10 tiles
Avattu 8.8.2023 klo 15.49

Circle Line

Convey an item back to where it started
Avattu 9.8.2023 klo 16.18

Chef School

Activate Practice Mode during preparation time
Avattu 8.8.2023 klo 20.36

New Chef Plus

Create a franchise
Avattu 8.8.2023 klo 21.27

Overtime 5

Reach Overtime Day 5
Avattu 9.8.2023 klo 19.44

Overtime 10

Reach Overtime Day 10
Avattu 10.8.2023 klo 14.41

Please Wait

Have the first group to arrive still be waiting to order when the day ends
Avattu 8.8.2023 klo 15.50

Stirring Things Up

Serve a stir fry to a customer

Something Fishy

Serve a fish to a customer

Least Important Meal

Serve a breakfast to a customer

Oh No

Set a customer on fire

Charcoal Factory

Cook something on a Danger Hob with an activated Gas Safety Override

Safety Last

Wear Trainers while holding a Sharp Knife

Overtime 15

Reach Overtime Day 15

Learning By Doing

Throw away a cooked fish in the tutorial


Complete a day without anyone serving a customer directly

Work Smart

Complete a day without any player leaving the tile they started on