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0.0 hrs on record
This pack is great for recapturing the classic look on the Apprentice and Squire. Unfortunately, the Monk and Huntress heads are often a bit too large and while the “paper” effect is not particularly noticeable on the Apprentice and Squire hats, it is more noticeable when trying to represent skin.
All of the hats are part of the Transmog system and can be used on any hero, as well as colored to appropriately match you outfit. This allows you to have a monk that look more wizardy or and EV that is more knight like. The clipping errors have been fixed by removing the original models head or hat.
Posted 9 May, 2023.
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54.0 hrs on record (49.9 hrs at review time)
Dungeon Defenders: Awakened overall does a good job recreating the feel of the original, while also including some of the features of DD2 and more.
As it is, it has a finished base campaign but less overall content than the first one.
Despite the similarities to the original, there are still some distinct differences that make it worth playing.

Unlike the original, the game is better built to have heroes that can both fight and build. If one of the things you liked about the original was having a few duplicates of heroes (one for defenses and one for playing as a fighter) then this game does not do this as well. However, if you would prefer to only make one of each character and not fill up your roster with a dozen copies Apprentice, it will work better here.
In addition, you can change your stat points up and down for free if you ever feel like you need to change some things about you heroes, or try something different.
The most notable thing that carried over from DD2 is the hero deck system. All heroes in the active deck will gain experience along with the hero being played. Heroes in the unactive part of the deck can be switched in build mode, so you are not limited whenever starting a level.
There are currently quite a few different heroes to choose from, but a new one is often added along with maps in large updates.

Because the game has had less time to develop than its predecessor, there are less maps currently in the game. The main campaign mostly consists of levels from DD1’s campaign with a few new ones.
After beating the Ancient Dragon however, most levels are new and have a unique feel while still keeping the style of the first game.

Going Rogue
I’ve seen a lot of worry with the release of Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue that this game is getting abandoned. This is fortunately not true. Going Rogue is effectively a DLC that adds a hero centered game mode. It is rarely updated, though occasionally heroes or costumes that already exist in the base game are added.

There are frequent PTRs (Public Testing Realm) before major updates that allow players to participate in a no progress beta and give feedback to the developers about what is liked and disliked. Players that participate are rewarded with a cosmetic item that can be applied with the transmog system.

DD1 and previous titles
If you have read the other reviews, you are probably aware that this is in fact, not identical to the first game. This game stands out to me as better for players that intend to play more casually, but still has an endgame for the people that liked that about the Dungeon Defenders series.
If you liked DD1 but not DD2, I think you will find this as a lesser version of DD1. If you just want more Dungeon defenders and want a bit of difference from the original, it is a good game to get.
If you liked both previous games (ignoring Eternity because it has been removed from the store) or you are new to the series this game is a good mix of what I thought were some of the best parts of both and the nicest to beginners out of the three. I would still not go into this game thinking it will replace DD1 or DD2 as a complete upgrade, but I feel that I have gotten my money’s worth out of it.
Posted 28 April, 2023. Last edited 21 November, 2023.
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131.7 hrs on record (76.5 hrs at review time)
Even though it can be buggy and crash at the worst times, Magicka is still and amazing game.
It has an entire goofy language that is a mix of Swedish, English, a little Spanish, and mostly gibberish for example, “Dunka Dunka” means “party”. The way you cast spell is also very different from most other magick based games, even combining some elements to make new ones. There are also Magicks that your party of one to four wizards will find along the way. Magicka can be played solo or with friends and is enjoyable either way.
Posted 29 June, 2019. Last edited 28 November, 2020.
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53.1 hrs on record (47.4 hrs at review time)
Life Goes On is one of my favorite games in my steam library
Any other game would teach you that dying is not how you win but how you lose. Life Goes On makes it impossible not to die. This fact is introduced to you in the very first level by dropping your knight on spikes. There are many hazards that your knights don’t have to avoid including but not limited to fire, spikes, zombification and saws, as well as a round furry creature named Jeff, Guardian of the Grails who will eat any knight who finds him but gives you a shiny purple trophy! Yes that’s right the lowest score on levels in non-colored (white), goldish bronze and shiny purple. You can even fight DEATH in an epic battle to finally find… The cup of DEATH.

Even though it’s a puzzle game it’s still fun to replay it, After winning the game you can replay the mines, mountains, castle, or the floating ruins. You could also play the “Boss” levels again. Life goes on has an amazing soundtrack with slow paced music for the normal levels but the Boss levels have faster matching music to go along with what you’re running away from Lava in the mines, sliding down a mountain in the mountains, escaping the castle that’s falling apart with every cannon you fire and even DEATH himself .
Posted 24 November, 2018. Last edited 26 November, 2021.
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