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Verfasst: 12. Feb. 2017 um 21:28

This game was amazing to explore at first; tinkering with the new mechanics, unit models and animations. This was by far superb to its predecessor in its aesthetics. But that's where it stops in my opinion. The AI is abysmal at this point, knowing next to nothing about fighting a good war. They simply just suck at violence. Which leaves diplomacy, also pretty horrendously implemented. Alliances become fixed throughout the game and don't change dynamically at best, otherwise its just a deranged bloodbath with no end-goals.

As for someone who got the deluxe edition, I'm still holding my breath but I feel like I got ripped off with this Viking DLC nonsense. The new wonders are a copy-paste job the way I see it, and I think most people don't care about the scenarios. I'm still waiting for the remaining two DLCs that I have been promised, but they better have some good and bulky content.
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1 Kommentare
ΑΩ 1. März 2017 um 10:42 
Considering the lastest is Australia... seriously did you check how their latest game did DLC wise? XCOM 2 had shitty DLCs, 2 cosmetics, 1 that brought some pretty shitty new game mechanics, well for those that don't like just stupidly unfair odds, and the last was the only one remotely worthwhile, but still nothing really that impressive, modders have been doing equal or better to anything they made DLC wise, and its true here too, the Expansion for XCOM had brought forth far better to the table than any of their DLCs did, so that they'd screwed things up worse here? Yea no shocker for me, any DLCs that might be worth anything I expect for them to be not be included in the first Season Pass which is what you got out of the Deluxe, expect anything worthwhile if any to pop out during their second or more year of release as a DLC you'll pay for at bigger price.