Nincs információ.
Truskool máj. 27., 10:17 
Hi Ho
bR0KEN márc. 10., 8:29 
Negativ KDA explain`s your gameplay.... Selten so ein schlechten Spieler gesehen
AlissualO_O márc. 10., 8:28 
Hunt Showdown Gameplay Like a Pu§§y
[CUMTOWN] †Red Baron† 2023. dec. 29., 14:32 
levering spamming *******, literally 0 skills
Roscoe J.C. Hays 2023. dec. 20., 7:51 
+rep ) i think i have played against you like 5 times in the last 4 months and everytime you kill me ) awesome plays
Soppas 2023. máj. 13., 13:57 
rats... its always the rats.