Sebastian Castellanos
teo_savvidis   Greece
:Steady_Aim:Respect me and i will respect you too:leon:

:demo:Hello i am TEO and i play games from 8years old started out with playstation 2 and GT4.
After some years i turned to pc gaming because it has much more games than consoles like ps2 or ps3.
Of course after many years i spended playing games and my theory is to play with standard hours and not to spend your whole day in front of a screen!!!:frostb:
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So i know many people are annoyed like fuck by theese idiots talking about their ugly wifes, Alcohol problems, Kids now are stupid, Bitching about WW2 and more. So for your luck ive made this guide to help you poor souls in this horrible situtation. This g
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This is SPARTA! - Grup Publik
This is MADNESS!
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112 Jam dimainkan
Το παινχιδί το συνιστώ αφοβα οποιος θελει 3rd person shooter game και δεν βαριετε games που εχουν η απαιτουν loot.
Εγω προσωπικα το game το αγορασα στα 16,99euro αλλα πιστευω την τιμη που εχει στα 40euro την αξιζει.

1) ωραια fight
2) ωραιο game play
3) open world
4) καλο story line με αρκετα side mission
5) πολυ καλα upgrades στον max,στο αμαξι και στα stronghold

1) εχει λιγα glitch
2) μονοτονα τα boss fights
Sebastian Castellanos 24 Des 2020 @ 2:47pm 
thnx mate
IvanSavvidis 17 Nov 2020 @ 11:59pm 
nice guy
Sebastian Castellanos 15 Feb 2019 @ 10:50am 
dude i have many afk hours:/ i cant play so much:P
schmurda420 15 Feb 2019 @ 7:16am 
bro are u ok? if my math is correct you have played ESO almost 15 hours a day for 23 days straight according your profile and review of ESO.
Knockout 29 Des 2018 @ 3:09pm 
Viktor legetai :)
SmileyPTB™ 26 Okt 2018 @ 2:35pm 
bauins ahaha ur mother is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ wankers