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張貼於:2014 年 5 月 1 日 下午 6:42

The great feeling of finally beating the boss you've been trying to kill for over 10 times, doing so with wit, skill and some experience from all those previous deaths. To pile up your own corpses to finally reach as high as the bar of difficulty that a boss requires. And interesting combat system that is responsive, fair and most of the time entertaining to partake in. Blocks, parries, rolls, magic, archery, basically all you want from a medieval fantasy world.

The story is barely non existant, as well as it should be as you're not there for the story. Your accomplishments come from overcoming hurdles, not learing about the character development of various people in the game. You get a few tid bits from there and there, enjoying what little they give you without taking away from the focus, the game is difficult.

The combat is most of the time fair, however a lot of cheap moves from bosses and other difficult mobs make it sometimes frustrating when a insta kill move come out of nowhere, dying because you've not faced that enemy just yet. Assuming, requiring you to die to learn a certain move set by a certain mob is unfair in its combat system and that is what my main complaint about the game is... To my taste, it's something that is rather cheeky, an attempt to keep the "You will die" idea up by forcing it onto you.

The game is a single player focused game, and please, if you buy this as I recommend, then do not engage in the multi-player pvp. It is rather atrocious, the delay between the host and the invader are quite long, often seconds which leads to you getting backstabbed in the front, getting hit by a slash that is 3 feet away and so forth. Forgetting that, the frustrating behavior of the Dark Souls 2 community is childish and elitist. You will not meet not a single person who have not mim/maxxed their character, looked up builds from the internet and copy pasted their 'own' creations from someone else. Stick to the single player and you will skip yourself a lot of pain inducing rage that comes with the bad latency, poor behavior and non-creative &½@-buckets.
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
2 則留言
Emperor's Thieving Magpie 2014 年 5 月 3 日 上午 8:25 
They did not take out Co-op and invading, they are surely most in the game still and I enjoy co-op a lot. Invading seems to have the same kind of problems as the pvp does.
BananaJane 2014 年 5 月 2 日 下午 6:51 
Did they take out the coop and invading