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Global başarım istatistikleri
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25 başarımdan 3 tanesi kazanıldı (%12):
Kişisel Başarımlar

Back in Business

Board the HSF Vindicator.
Kazanma Tarihi 1 May @ 2:50

Explosive Decompression

Damage a window on the HSF Vindicator.
Kazanma Tarihi 1 May @ 2:51

Terms and Conditions

Read all of Darwin's contract.
Kazanma Tarihi 1 May @ 2:53

Compound X Gon' Give It To Ya

Collect every Compound X.

Tinker, Tailor, Exterminator

Collect every Upgrade Module.

Big Spender

Create every Blueprint.

Story Time

Collect every Tape.

Prop Hunt

Kill every Morph Spider.

Toil and Trouble

Brew every Potion.


Complete the warehouse challenge in under 5 seconds.

Reasonable Force

Defeat a spider using the Hover Tank in the HSF Vindicator's hangar.


Collect every fuel cell.


Lay the ghosts of Artois Manor to rest.

Shine On

Blow up the Tricycle with C4.

Monumental Destruction

Destroy City Hall using Laser Breath.

Exposure Therapy

Have 5 jumping spiders crawling on you at the same time.

Black and White and Red All Over

Read every issue of the Arachnitopia Times.

Side Hustle

Clean all dirty objects.


Kill a spider with the Hairspray's alt-fire.

Evil, Dead Spiders

Create an army of undead spiders.

Packed Vacuum

Collect 24 spiders in your vacuum.

4 tane gizli başarım kaldı

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